Where is the Christmas Hatch-A-Long?


9 Years
Oct 27, 2014
Just north of Indianapolis
I have 13 Frizzle Tolbunt Polish eggs to set today for a Christmas hatch. This is the first time I’ve ever done a hatch for Christmas, so I thought I’d join in on the thread for it. (Usually these hatch a long threads move too quickly for me to keep up, but I will give it a try this time!)

But to my amazement, I cannot find any Christmas hatch along except for the Aussie one. And a few other random December ones. Guess I will start my own! Anybody want to join me?
I'll take #7 and call it Kringle.

However, don’t get your hopes up. My Tolbunt pullets are just beginning to lay, and so far not a single egg has started to develop. Each week to ten days I have been setting every egg they’ve given me, and at the one week mark, they all candle clear. 🙇‍♀️ I have 3 barnyard mix eggs going strong from last week’s setting, so this week I am planning to add a few more BYM with the Polish so in case I get a singleton, it will hopefully get some friends.

Sooner or later the Polish pullets’ eggs have got to become fertile, right? There are 6 pullets with one cockerel. I suppose it could be a problem with the cockerel’s fertility. I hope not. He’s my only frizzle Tolbunt rooster.

Anyway, I’m not numbering any of these eggs. They do have dates on them. I’m just hoping to have hatchlings on Christmas.

13 Frizzle Tolbunt Polish eggs and 3 BYM added to the prior 3 BYM.

The new ones have black dots on them. The No Dot eggs are due to hatch 10 days earlier than the Christmas hatch. I’ll have to get a second incubator going when it’s time to lock them down.
Thank you @Yorkshire Coop ! I went over there and posted.

So, my Christmas hatch is pretty much a bust. I do have one egg growing, but I had to pull 15 clear eggs at the one week mark.

On to New Year’s. I sat 5 more Frizzle Tolbunt and 5 more BYM. After that I decided to just start eating the Tolbunt eggs until I see any bullseyes. Wouldn’t you know, the second egg I cracked open appears to be fertile! I wasted it!

So, I will go back to setting every Polish egg I get from that coop and hope that more than one pullet starts being fertile.

I probably won’t post here again unless that Christmas chick hatches.
Chickie made it!


It pipped wrong end last night, and on the underneath side as well. I picked it up to see if it had drowned from any liquid draining out, and it was still alive. So I put it back with the pip on top, and this morning it was out. :jumpy

Merry Christmas everyone! 🎄

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