Trouble with pheasant chicks


12 Years
Nov 1, 2010
Northern L.P. Michigan
I have golden and what the breeder called mutant pheasant chicks. I keep losing chicks that just out of the blue look weak and then die the same day. Are pheasant chicks less hardy than say chickens? I have never had pheasants before and am hoping I am not doing something wrong.
There could be many reason why you are loosing them.
What type of food are you giving them?
Are there any drafts by them?
Are they piling on top of each other and then passing?
Is there water to close to the heat lamp?
What type of heat are you using and what is your temp you have them under?
How many do you have together can they all get to the water and food without crawling over everybody?
What do you do when you see them getting weak, try giving them electrolytes it's a powder that you mix with water.
There could be many reason why you are loosing them.
What type of food are you giving them? We didn't have game bird starter in our local feed store when they hatched so they are on turkey starter.
Are there any drafts by them? No drafts, in the basement
Are they piling on top of each other and then passing? No
Is there water to close to the heat lamp? Close but not directly under
What type of heat are you using and what is your temp you have them under? They are in a low brooder box with a 65 watt bulb that gives a temp just under 90 degrees - they are 3 weeks old at this point
How many do you have together can they all get to the water and food without crawling over everybody? There were only 12 to start, I am down to 8 now
What do you do when you see them getting weak, try giving them electrolytes it's a powder that you mix with water. I can do this I have some around still from chicks

I would say it is because they are not on game bird feeder. Ringnecks need more protein than trurkeys so your probably has about21%. This doesn't sound like alot but I learned this the same way because they do get weak. If you continue on raising them you will need to keep them on the Game Bird Startena. Hope this helps.
Hey man my 4 day old pheasant chicks are just starting to get there flight feathers and some of them are sticking out to the sides what is wrong with them and what color of light will help them get the best sleep because they are tires all the time
Can you post a photo of the chicks in question? What feed are you feeding them? They need a high protein feed, around 24% protein or higher. Feathers forming strangely is most likely a nutritional issue.

If your using a separate heating source in addition to a light source, you can just turn the light off. If your heat source is also the light source, then a red heat lamp is better than a 'white light' heating lamp.

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