Where do i find this "contractors sand"?


In the Brooder
Nov 18, 2015
I follow the chicken chick on facebook and she highly recommends some type of contractor/builders sand. Is this something I can purchase at Lowes? FTR I live in Ft Worth, TX. TIA.
Depends on how much you need. You can get masonry and play sand at Lowe's type stores.
Most areas have suppliers of building materials you can buy by the ton or various quantities. You've probably seen them as you drive around They'll have various grades of gravel and sand in big bins lined up.
It's recommended to not use play sand, and to instead use river sand or construction grade sand. I just wasn't sure if that was something I could easily find.
Yes it's easily found. Any sand pit near you is construction/river sand. If you live within 5 miles of a river or pond there is likely a berm of sand near your yard. In eons of time there was a time that lake or rivers banks were near your yard. That's all construction sand is, bank sand. It will have varying coarseness of pebbles apposed to play sand that is uniform. I assume your using it for grit.
The use of construction sand is quite controversial. The Chicken- Chick is a keen fan and uses it in her coop and her run. However, other highly respected Chicken commentators do not think that the use of sand is ideal at all. Two of these people are Lisa Steele from Fresh Eggs Daily and Terry Golson from HenCam. I have included the views of Fresh Eggs Daily, HenCam and the Chicken-Chick about what type of material to use in the coop and the run, in an article I have written. The article is about what "elements" are needed in a perfect coop and run. There are 23 "elements" in my article. Element 23 is all about coop flooring and it is there that you will find the different information. There are some quick navigation buttons that you can press to get to the part of the article that you most want. You can read it at http://www.allaboutchickens.info/better-chicken-coop-run/. I hope it helps.
SpoilMyPooch makes good points. What is the purpose of the sand?
Sand can be good bedding in coops and runs depending on one's climate.
It isn't a one size fits all.
What works in one climate is completely inappropriate in other climates.
If the sand is intended as grit for adult birds, it is completely inappropriate. It is too small for mature chickens and will pass right through the gizzard serving no purpose.
I have the river sand on my coop floor and like it very much. I got it from a sand quarry. The pickup bed full costed $26, and it covered my 10x10' coop floor with about 4 inches deep sand. The chickens love to dust bathe in it. And I love the easy cleanup.
Earlier today I picked up 3 yards of construction sand for my sister's new duck pen for $45. 3 yards is equivalent to 6,000 lbs. Much, much cheaper than buying it by the bag at Home Depot or Lowes.

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