when did your white leghorns start laying?

17 1/2 weeks. She laid her first egg late in the afternoon, skipped the next day, and hasn't missed a day since.
15/16 weeks, and yes she has missed one day since. My other will be 18 weeks and has for almost a week sat in a nest box for 30 minutes each day, but nothing???

The younger one started first.
so it seems like those of you in cooler climates have girls that are laying earlier than those of us in the hotter climates................I may be totally off base though.
I'm no expert, but I was talking to a local "chicken person" recently and mentioned that my girls hadn't started laying yet. She said its been hot, and they sometimes just don't feel like laying when its hot.
My white leghorns are 20.5 weeks and laid their first egg today. On one of the shortest days of the year (length of day 9 hours 6 minutes) on the cold MA/NH border! Coop lit by one 40 w bulb for daylight hours only (I switch it on when I let them out and off when I close them up). My first white egg after 7 years of blue and brown. So pretty.

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