White earlobes tinted eggs


Aug 22, 2023
Hi, my white leghorn pullet started laying a few days ago, she has white earlobes but her eggs are tinted. Is this normal will the eggs go white?
If she has laid several tinted eggs, that is probably the color she will continue to lay.

Earlobe color does not really tell anything about what color eggs a hen will lay. Earlobe color does tell something about what breed the hen is (for example, White Leghorns have white earlobes while White Rocks have red earlobes), and knowing the breed can help predict the egg color (Leghorns lay white, Rocks lay brown.)

She might be a Leghorn that just doesn't lay the right color eggs, or she might be a mix of Leghorn and some other breed (so she could have inherited the white earlobes from the Leghorn, but egg color genes from the other breed.)

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