When can they eat worms?


7 Years
Mar 30, 2012
My lovely son decided today that it was a great idea to feed the chicks worms with out me knowing!!! The youngest are about 5-6 weeks old. I caught him before all were consumed(he threw a LOT in there, I knew he was to quiet outside!). Should I be concerned or can they actually eat worms?
They can eat worms, and probably liked them. No need to worry.
If it's their first food besides starter feed, adding some chick grit might be a good idea.

Imp- worm tartar
i imagine in the perfect world their mama would have fed them many worms. they propably need a little grit thrown in to help them digest it all. just don't use grit with calcium - i understand that is rough on their little kidneys.
Yes, nature, duh! They did seem to get very excited about them. I do have chick grit I can give them so all should be good. Thank you guys!
Yes, nature, duh! They did seem to get very excited about them. I do have chick grit I can give them so all should be good. Thank you guys!
No duh I was just going to post same question lol my 10 year old grandaughter went looking for worms ( I thought for fishing) but she gave them to our 6 week old chickens they seemed to love them lol

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