What to feed Egyptian Geese?


11 Years
Apr 16, 2008
Knysna, South Africa
My brother in law has just been given 7 Egyptian Geese to rear temporarily as they were abandoned by their mom (or she was killed). I farm with broiler chickens and he would like to know if he can feed them on my chicken starter, grower and finisher mash. Is the nutritional content suitable and if not what should he feed them bearing in mind we live in a very small town with not much to offer....
There is a duck group called [email protected].. that he can join for all kinds of information on ducks.. and help from members...

you can email : [email protected] ( his first name is William)
he is a expert on raising all kinds of waterfowl. has 300 of his own.. he is a preservation farm for rare breeds of ducks and other animals..

he has helped me numerous times with my whistling ducks
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this is what I heard back from william.

The brooding and raising and feed information in the PDRU files section can be used for the Egyptian geese. Once the babies are eight or ten weeks old they will need slightly different care, but for now they can be treated like any other duck or goose.
One thing though, keep them warm, but be sure they are allowed plenty of room. Egyptian goslings have a tendency to feather pick if crowded. A good spacious brooder area about 4 square feet per bird would be good until they are about 5 weeks old. How old are they now?

Egyptian geese are arguably the most beautiful goose on the planet. They are also the most holy terrors to our other feathered friends. Google Egyptian goose and read up on their behavior and see what I mean.
Not cooked/rolled oats, whole oats or barley if you have nothing else.
Chopped greens like grass, romaine lettuce whatever greens you can find at the grocery store aside from spinach.
Lots of fresh water.

They do need a protein source like NON-MEDICATED chick, gamebrid or waterfowl starter (if they are under a few weeks old, then switch them to a grower ration after you finish off the starter feed.
Good luck!

Opps just noticed you were from Africa.
Don't know what kinds of feeds you have there.
What do you feed your chickens?
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