Toulouse or Buff geese choice?

I've learned I pretty much have no say in things regarding my moms plans to get our first chicken flock this spring. I'm pretty much just trying to decrease issues "we" (Me) will have. And then my mother decides bombshell she wants geese for protection against smaller snake and weasles and alarms for bigger threats. Including people I guess. I can just imagine geese attacking my father or brothers when they step out of their trucks.

As I said I am pretty much just trying to decrease issues I will face. Such as finding birds that will survive our Michigan climate and not try to kill me who will be their daily caretaker. And my moms narrowed her wants down to two different breeds. But she only wants a pair of one breed. The american buff or Toulouse.

While I've done my research about their purposes which both seem to stem with meat with the toulouse being decent for eggs. Both seem more docile than something such as the african geese which my mom doesn't want because of the knob on their head I guess thats prone to frostbite based on what she said. .

From what I am seeing theres not much about the toulouse's guardian abilities.

So can anyone tell me anything that I can discuss with her to lead her toward the breed that can survive cold winter. Honestly I'm not expecting the geese to do much guarding of chickens but stories to entertain her and give her thoughts toward the breeds she wants to decide would be very much appreciated. Whether it be about their care, personalitys, any guardian things if you got lucky, issues with the geese and chickens etc. Just anything that comes to mind will be much appreciated.

To clarify we will be free ranging the chickens and geese all during the day and get them penned up in a secured covered run during night. I'm hoping to get the chickens trained to come "home" (coop/run) for the night with a bell. I dunno if thatll work for the geese though. I never thought she would want geese. I mean we talked about turkeys and guineas but that was going to be a future addition after the chicken flock was secured.

Last but not least as I say I have no say so telling my mom the geese wont do what she wants will not work with her lol.
Since you're going to be the caretaker of this new flock your mom is getting, hats off to you for doing all the research to make sure they are all cared for properly. Thanks for your insights.

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