What is this chicken?

I think it is a barred rock, just with imperfect color genetics. I've seen some like this one before.
Okay I wondered if this was a possibility too! Though the 4 that were supposed to be different all seem to look more like this, and I really didn’t want 8 barred rocks so I keep hoping they will be different haha
pretty much like a barred rock with a lot of white. This one particularly 🤔 I still can’t really tell the difference between cuckoo marans and barred rocks, but several of them seem much more “skittish” than others, which fits the personality of a maran according to what I’ve read. But who knows 🤷‍♀️ lol maybe I will be able to tell once their combs develop.
pretty much like a barred rock with a lot of white.
That is likely what it is then. Feed stores have low-quality birds.

I still can’t really tell the difference between cuckoo marans and barred rocks,
Cuckoo Marans usually have lighter-colored barring than Barred Plymouth Rocks. Cuckoo Marans have pinkish gray/white legs, while Barred Plymouth Rocks have yellow legs.

but several of them seem much more “skittish” than others,
Personality is not always a great indicator of breed. Every chicken is an individual, and they will always have a different personality. It is true that some breeds are more aggressive and some are more friendly, but you have individuals who go against that. I have had plenty of Orpingtons and Cochins, which are typically friendly breeds, but mine are all freaks.

lol maybe I will be able to tell once their combs develop.
The comb will not display much, since both breeds have single combs. In case you do not know already, your chicken in question is a cockerel.
Maybe Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock. Looks like the one I used to have.
Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock males look like this, so that would not be accurate.
Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 7.42.15 AM.png

(Not my picture, it belongs to Murray McMurray.)
Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock males look like this, so that would not be accurate.
View attachment 3849174
(Not my picture, it belongs to Murray McMurray.)
Maybe Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock. Looks like the one I used to ha
interesting! My assumption is that it’s a barred rock with bad coloring, but
Maybe Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock. Looks like the one I used to have.

That is likely what it is then. Feed stores have low-quality birds.

Personality is not always a great indicator of breed. Every chicken is an individual, and they will always have a different personality. It is true that some breeds are more aggressive and some are more friendly, but you have individuals who go against that.

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