what is needed for a duck?


Mar 22, 2024
I'm thinking of getting a baby duck this year but wanted to know what is needed for one and if it needs other ducks or can just get along with chickens. Here are some of my questions. Does a duck need a little pond? Does duck poo stink? Can It live in a chicken coop or does it need a separate place?
Yes, ducks need duck friends; chickens won’t suffice.
Ducks don’t need a swimming pool / pond all the time, but it’s good for their feathers to have a swim once or twice a week at least.
Yes, it stinks.. it’s even worse when they eat too much protein!
If you only have female ducks, they can live with chickens just fine. Male ducks cannot live with chickens.
Yes, ducks need duck friends; chickens won’t suffice.
Ducks don’t need a swimming pool / pond all the time, but it’s good for their feathers to have a swim once or twice a week at least.
Yes, it stinks.. it’s even worse when they eat too much protein!
If you only have female ducks, they can live with chickens just fine. Male ducks cannot live with chickens.
How bad does the poo stink? How often will I have to clean the area the duck lives in?
How bad does the poo stink? How often will I have to clean the area the duck lives in?
Oh, it’s not great.. I’ve heard of people using the deep-litter method in the brooder / coop to help with smell, but I haven’t tried it myself. If you have more of an open-air coop, it might be better, too.

I guess it depends on how much space they have. I had to clean once a day for their brooder and am doing once a week for their coop. I also don’t provide water in their coop at night, ‘cause they get it everywhere, and it stinks up the place even more.
If I do get a duck it will have access to water all day. Though the smell is what holding me back if getting one.

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