What is ______? Question thread!

Blue Raptor

As Astera Per Aspera
Premium Feather Member
Feb 20, 2021
Deutschland 🇩🇪
My Coop
My Coop
If you have a question about anything, home life/fowl/coops/food, as here! I will try to respond to as many posts as possible, but I'll need everyone else to help me respond to questions too!
Why is it so easy to become obsessed with birds?
If you have chickens, you should know this! :) For me, they are great companions, and I go to them when I and frustrated with my human counterparts. ;) They also provide relatevely free eggs (with a small cost of food and lodging) and can be very eye-catching to look at all the time (especially if you want to impress your neighbors :cool:)!
So it has been said chickens can not see very well at night? How so with ultra violet and infared ?
They can see infrared and ultraviolet. Infrared is seeing heat at night, but the bar isn’t heated, so they can’t see the roost in the dark. And ultraviolet is seeing special colors in the sun.
Thats so odd. Rainbow vision ! How can you run an electric wire if you can't get the rods deep enough we are on a limestone bed. I need surgery and can't drill it any way around that part? Or something else? I been wanting to put a wire at the bottom of my run just in case. May have to wait til later.

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