
  1. GlicksChicks

    Poultry/Fowl Raising Simplicity Easiest to Hardest?

    I am planning on having a variety of different poultry/fowl and I want to work up from the simplest to the more complicated species. At the moment I only have chickens. I want to go one species at a time and get those established and feel like I have a grip on their care and then start with...
  2. fluffycrow

    non-broody fowl keepers

    This is a thread for all of us unlucky people who have yet to have a broody, or a broody successfully hatch out babies so that we don't annoy all of you normies with our constant complaining on the matter. You can each keep a record of how long you've been waiting for a broody (if you've ever...
  3. Topbless

    Emergency: Please, my Turkeys and Broilers are dying.

    I thought it was just a stained but after so many observations and studies, I discover it is a disease which I don't know the type. It's two broilers(fowls) and 3 turkeys but a turkey died 5 days ago without any signs. Please, what can I do to save them. The pictures are attached.
  4. Joyfillednomads

    Ink Blot -->> what do you see <<--

    What do you see?
  5. Crazy Duck Lover

    Murray McMurray Reviews!

    How’s was your experience with ordering fowl from McMurray? How was their customer service? We’re there any DOAs? How are the birds that you ordered doing now? How is there egg laying? Would you recommend/buy again? Anything else you’d like to add! I’m looking for reviews on all fowl, not just...
  6. T

    Guinea hens are showing weakness

    I went to check my guinea fowl coop this morning and found that 4 of my hens barely responded to my presence. The are very disoriented and have trouble walking, the worst of them cranes her neck inward severely when stressed (when I was handling her). The four hens are all last year's hatch and...
  7. Blue Raptor

    What is ______? Question thread!

    If you have a question about anything, home life/fowl/coops/food, as here! I will try to respond to as many posts as possible, but I'll need everyone else to help me respond to questions too!
  8. Bird_Lover_17

    Your bird pictures are needed!

    I'm typing up an article on poultry aviaries, and I need images: here's the thing: -Your hand can be in the picture -I will credit you, no matter what -I will except images of turkeys, quail, chickens, ducks, pheasants, peafowl, etc. Please no caged birds -I might not be able to add in all the...
  9. WallyBirdie

    Fowl Play(doodle)

    Sometimes a game between friends turns a little... fowl. Especially when the ball is discreetly switched with an egg!
  10. WallyBirdie

    Play time!

    My 4 month old chickens are being let out of the run under supervision. I opened the gate, picked a spot in the yard to sit, and watched! So much fun to watch them all explore and play! One of my lady spitzhaubens had a blast- I had a water bottle, and she came over and took the cap right out...
  11. D

    Quincy, Illinois Chickens & Ducks are legal 2019

    i wanted to say the ordinance link for our city is not working, but I was able to find it via Google search for Quincy, Il Code Book. But we had a duck in our yard that laid eggs 20 years ago as well as a neighbor who had several. This is the link I found...
  12. Age-of-Goositude

    Free Drawings

    I am hoping to get to everyone eventually post your babies!! Old, young, still here, or over the rainbow bridge. I will work at my own pace and this will be a fun past time! I have a thread here already for all my art where the final post of your art will be posted! Here are some examples of my...
  13. Age-of-Goositude

    Jude's Safe Haven: My Flock

    Hello this is where I will be introducing each individual member of my flock and showing off the progress of their area that's going to be fenced, any houses built etc I will start off with a little at a time. Everyone will have at least three photos and any general info I have on them. This...
  14. Age-of-Goositude

    Wet Pox

    I experienced wet Pox last summer it was tragic. I looked it up and there is literally no cure but to try to boost their immune system. I thought it was canker at first but there was yellow balls of plaque strewn down yhe back of their throat and chunks growing in their air holes. We pulled the...
  15. KikiDeAnime

    Protecting Your Flock From Predators

    Many of us know that keeping fowl brings predators to our property and they will kill a few or all of them. There are both daytime and nighttime predators so you will need to secure your yard enough that both can't kill your flock. Many of our members will tell you how they protected their...
  16. CzyChikenMath

    Breeders in NJ, PA and DE NPIP

    Hi all :) I'm trying to get a list together... If you know any good breeders, poultry farms, hatcheries physically located in these areas that are NPIP (or close to them), please add the info on this thread...
  17. P

    Guinea Fowl not eating / sitting alot

    Hi! I have a single male fowl by the name of Junior living with my brood of chickens (8 hens + one rooster + one Jr.) right now. Recently, Junior got an eye infection from either coming into contact with something dirty or from being pecked at by the rooster, we're not too sure, and while we...
  18. lilapot

    Monthly Fowl Contest, ends the 15th of every month!

    Hello! Welcome to the Monthy Fowl Contest, for chickens, ducks, turkeys, guinea fowl, or any other bird of that type. The contest ends on the 15th of every month. The prize is bragging rights and everybody bow-emoji-ing you. :bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow If...
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