What do Yours Eat?

the special of the week is wild raspberry and tree frog. The flock has managed to strip the raspberry canes from 2 ft to ground. I have no idea where the frogs come in
Mine love watermelon, cantaloupe, most greens except spinach, and they love to dig all kinds of gross bugs/worms/grubs etc. out of the compost pile. Mine are also fantastic mousers and I watched with morbid fascination the first time one of my little Cream Legbar pullets viciously pounded a dead mouse on the ground in order to rip chunks off to swallow. It was… eye-opening, lol.
In that same vein, they love all kinds of meat. They’ve literally never turned their noses up at any kind of meat I’ve thrown into their run.
Mine love watermelon, cantaloupe, most greens except spinach, and they love to dig all kinds of gross bugs/worms/grubs etc. out of the compost pile. Mine are also fantastic mousers and I watched with morbid fascination the first time one of my little Cream Legbar pullets viciously pounded a dead mouse on the ground in order to rip chunks off to swallow. It was… eye-opening, lol.
In that same vein, they love all kinds of meat. They’ve literally never turned their noses up at any kind of meat I’ve thrown into their run.
Leftover pork roast...they love it..
They eat fermented Grubbly Farm feed. I also sprout seeds/fodder and grasses for them.

Threats they love right now: mealworms, dried crickets, blueberries, bananas, rice...and all my hostas plants!
One of my girls loves spiders.

Mine also do not like lettuce and leafy greens!
I haven't offered mine most of this stuff. IAre watermelon and bananas only for limited treats or can they have lots? Do I need to mash the bananas?
Also, mine free range all day. Do they need grit available all the time too?
This morning my flock is really enjoying their fermented food with broccoli. Yesterday they loved some watermelon.
What are some things your chickens really like to eat?
My hens like cabbage on a rope. they can eat one head in a day. Cooked oatmeal with crushed chili peppers, they love oregano, it grows along the coop and runs. BSF larvae are a treat a couple of times a week.

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