What do y'all think?

Yard Farmer

🇺🇸 John 8:36 🇺🇸
Premium Feather Member
Jan 5, 2022
The Wild West!
Howdy everyone, I was wondering if any of you have heard about TSC, and/or "Natures Own" doing anything to their feed to reduce egg production...
And if anyone has had personal experience with their feed and if you've noticed a difference lately.

Heres the YouTube video I heard it from...
Please share if you like the video! 🙃
There's been multiple people posting over the last few days about this, even that guy.
You can look them up for everyones comments on it. :]
It's been an unusually overcast and cold winter, the light affects laying.
If there was a problem with the feed, there'd be a recall, There's like 10 different entities that feed is inspected by, it would well known if there was a problem.
Chickens don't usually lay their second winter and what happened 2 years ago? A whole bunch of people decided to get chickens during covid and I think that's what we're mostly seeing.
not one video or Facebook page (that I've found) has provided an actual nutritional analysis on the feed they say is bad, just "my chickens laid last winter, but not this winter so the feed is bad."
It's not kosher to blame a feed or a company without evidence, I'm not going to be surprised if there's a slander suit from Purina.
It's not the feed, don't worry about it. :]
Feed has its place and I'd be more concerned about the soy protein and roundup that is in it. I'm always down for a good conspiracy but the evidence isn't there yet...Yet. trusting the industry has never been something I do but I'm always objective. Learn to outsource less.
Our flock of over 20 stopped laying this past August. We had exclusively feed TSC Producers Pride for the past 5 years until last month. Originally I thought they were too hot, sick or all were molting. Time when on and I was deeply denying it was the feed. I really thought it was bird flu or something. We had really low temps in the teens this past December so I supplemented corn and to my surprise I started getting eggs in the middle of the cold snap! I switched to a local feed supplier and I’m getting a dozen per day In the middle of January. I spoke to an employee at TSC last week and he denied there was an issue until I told him that the previous manager had me raising their injured chicks from the previous brooder issues. Once he knew my connection he opened up about their being complaints in our area….
Feed has its place and I'd be more concerned about the soy protein and roundup that is in it. I'm always down for a good conspiracy but the evidence isn't there yet...Yet. trusting the industry has never been something I do but I'm always objective. Learn to outsource less.

If roundup is your concern, the soy isn't but a rounding error in your problem. Here's the EPA list for acceptable levels in various ingredients like corn, wheat, alfalfa, barley, flax, forage, oats, sunflower seeds, etc. Oh, plus a ton of things you likely eat at the grocery. Nuts, grapes, apples, rice, coffee, tea, sugar cane and sugar beets....
And then what? Returned to store to be sold?
No, I kept them if they survived which were few and far between considering how long it was before the employees realized they were struggling in those tower brooders. My store did not seem to know how to keep the temperatures regulated and we’re losing the majority of shipments within 24hrs. I happened to help one day after stopping by to get feed and noticing the bantams were nearly dead in the brooder. The manager had me on speed dial to ask questions and to see if I could rescue the ones struggling. I spent a few weeks trying to help them until finally they switched back to the heat lamps and bins.
If roundup is your concern, the soy isn't but a rounding error in your problem. Here's the EPA list for acceptable levels in various ingredients like corn, wheat, alfalfa, barley, flax, forage, oats, sunflower seeds, etc. Oh, plus a ton of things you likely eat at the grocery. Nuts, grapes, apples, rice, coffee, tea, sugar cane and sugar beets....
I understand that. This is what happens when we outsource our food to megacorporations and agencies. Roundup is in everything, despite the evidence that it causes so much harm, especially in children. However it's a major part in commercial farming to turn and burn their fields. What is acceptable to the FDA or EPA doesn't line up with what I think is acceptable. This is why we try to outsource less and produce more of our own food so that we know where it comes from and have as much control as possible. Unfortunately it's not as much control as I'd like, but we are working on that. The justification that its everywhere is not a justification at all, its more of a wakeup call.

I was also speaking on the issue of soy as a different issue, not a carrier for the roundup. Soy is plant estrogen and has concerns all on it's own.
Our flock of over 20 stopped laying this past August. We had exclusively feed TSC Producers Pride for the past 5 years until last month. Originally I thought they were too hot, sick or all were molting. Time when on and I was deeply denying it was the feed. I really thought it was bird flu or something. We had really low temps in the teens this past December so I supplemented corn and to my surprise I started getting eggs in the middle of the cold snap! I switched to a local feed supplier and I’m getting a dozen per day In the middle of January. I spoke to an employee at TSC last week and he denied there was an issue until I told him that the previous manager had me raising their injured chicks from the previous brooder issues. Once he knew my connection he opened up about their being complaints in our area….
Do you have any of that bad feed still? Would you PLEASE send me some so I can get it tested?
Our flock of over 20 stopped laying this past August. We had exclusively feed TSC Producers Pride for the past 5 years until last month. Originally I thought they were too hot, sick or all were molting. Time when on and I was deeply denying it was the feed. I really thought it was bird flu or something. We had really low temps in the teens this past December so I supplemented corn and to my surprise I started getting eggs in the middle of the cold snap! I switched to a local feed supplier and I’m getting a dozen per day In the middle of January. I spoke to an employee at TSC last week and he denied there was an issue until I told him that the previous manager had me raising their injured chicks from the previous brooder issues. Once he knew my connection he opened up about their being complaints in our area….
Complaints are different than proof of any problems.

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