What did you do in the garden today?

The fruits were very high quality while they lasted.
Speaking of onions... I have some bulb onions that didn't grow very big before the tops died. Would you pull them out or leave them in the ground and see if they grow more next year?
I would experiment and see what happens! But that's just me. I've over wintered bunching onions a lot. A lot of my Thai recipes are best with the bulb part of the scallion so I like it when they get a lil rowdy after a winter.
Worked on one large garden bed today.
Cattle panels for winter squash and cucumbers, summer squash, carrots, and cowpeas.

Lemtils Look great:

Strawberry bed with garlic. The garlic is just starting to produce scapes!

Baby girl is only 6 weeks!! Here she is next to her aunt!

I made Greek egg-lemon soup for dinner (with Spanakopita bought from the grocery frozen section). There’s are from our chickens.


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Speaking of onions... I have some bulb onions that didn't grow very big before the tops died. Would you pull them out or leave them in the ground and see if they grow more next year?

I had that happen last year and did some of both. I thinned out some of the easier to harvest ones and left the rest be. A few of them made it through the winter, we’ll see what happens. IIRC onions are biennials, so they might go to seed…but I’ve not had much luck with onions there before so I’m not holding my breath for anything. I think they need more sun than they’re getting in that spot to bulk up properly.
We sprayed the trees last night with the BT spray to get ahead of the gypsy/spongy moth caterpillars. I doused the little trees, and got as much of the big trees as I could.

A few days ago, I found this beautiful blossom on one of our old apple trees:

All my seedlings are officially living outside, and my next step in gardening them off is getting them used to the mid-day sun.
I'm still pretty far behind on everything (because we surprised ourselves with a puppy in February), but I'm slowly catching up. Today, I spent a few hours weed whacking, especially in the garden. Then, I had to weed my strawberry and asparagus bed and my strawberry and rhubarb bed. What? There are strawberry plants and asparagus plants in there, and not just grass!
I accidentally weedwhacked these two :barnie:

And I can never find these when I am looking for them (unless I've accidentally found one and look around it for more):

The trail cam in the meadow picked up a bobcat the other night, which is pretty amazing!!

Is anyone able to help me identify these 2 insects?:


That's all of the updates I can think of for now, and I am falling asleep as I type. Goodnight!
Edited: to fix a tired eyes typo!
I just ordered drip watering supplies for my garden. I was going to get some end plugs too, but I guess I can just fold and tape or zip tie the ends to seal them off, right?

I'll make stakes out of heavy wire I have on hand. Emitter tube will water rows, inline dripper/emitters for squash, peppers and ???.

This is what's coming later this week... Did I miss anything?

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This too.
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there's two different ODs for 1/2" there's the 0.634 and 0.700. make sure everything you have works for that .634 you got. The hose bib connectors and fittings I mean.
I've never seen one of those. Cool! My son has one of these.

View attachment 3837460
I use a Hori Hori for almost all of my precision weeding; a hula hoe for most everything else; then fire for what I don't want the chickens picking at.
Some of the sets I planted last yearView attachment 3837551
The onions I was harvesting from those
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Some of the onions I got
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Delicious meal with fresh harvest. Can't wait for more harvest to table cooking.
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My mom composted by digging holes in her garden and burying peelings. We also had "volunteer" potato plants!
Did they do well? I'm sitting on pins and needles I am.
This is what I use:
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It's a Fiskars garden knife, and I love it!
Kinda like a hori hori! A good Japanese made Hori hori.... Oh dang I just can't get enough of this tool.... I'll share photos of mine when I go out to the garden tomorrow. Eventually I'll post those photos of houseplants that I still haven't taken. >.> at least I'm remembering!
Speaking of onions... I have some bulb onions that didn't grow very big before the tops died. Would you pull them out or leave them in the ground and see if they grow more next year?
I left mine in the ground and mine all bolted this year; But I pulled them all and chopped them up and froze them in bags. I've been using them for the last several weeks.

On a side note, I wanted some bigger chunks of onion for the soup today; I cut into a store bought onion and I'm pretty sure it was suffering from some kind of virus. I tossed it in the trash and cleaned my cutting board, knife and make sure the rest of my veggie scraps did not contact any of the parts of that plant that was diseased. I don't want to introduce any kind of pathogen into my compost... scary.
Worked on one large garden bed today.
Cattle panels for winter squash and cucumbers, summer squash, carrots, and cowpeas.
View attachment 3837779
Lemtils Look great:
View attachment 3837780

Strawberry bed with garlic. The garlic is just starting to produce scapes!
View attachment 3837782

Baby girl is only 6 weeks!! Here she is next to her aunt!
View attachment 3837783

I made Greek egg-lemon soup for dinner (with Spanakopita bought from the grocery frozen section). There’s are from our chickens.
Everything looks so great! Your trellis there in the background... totally looks like a guillotine at a glance and I love it. :D

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