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  • I built a new roosting bar for my big hens to help get my little chickens up higher without making the big girls mad. So far so good!

    However Tinki gets up on the highest bar before the big girls and gets shooed away... 7ft to the ground flight. That wasn't part of my plan.
    She's ok though.
    The new babies are snuggly! Tinki is the very curious girl of the bunch. She is the cuckoo marans looking up at me. 😊
    The four new babies (plus two that I'm holding for my sister). I decided I wanted to be able to tell them apart easier, so we got a Speckled Sussex, Barnevelder, Cuckoo Marans, and a Black Australorp.
    My adult hens last week! All Sapphire Olive Eggers. Only one lays green eggs. Peaches had a mini molt and has already grown spur nubs.
    I have a new 'Tinki'.... My son wanted to name her Tinkerbell but I convinced him that Tinki was respecting the loss of our original Tinkerbell.

    She's my bestie... I love this little girl so much!
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