What did you do in the garden today?

All the GreenStalks are finally filled with my own mix & stacked! 3 are planted, 3 need warmer. Phew, that was a lot of work for someone with a 5lb weight limit, lol. The garden needs some work before I can move them out there. LOVE the red. View attachment 3793489View attachment 3793490
I'm so jealous of your red one! I wish they still offered that color.
We are doing a complete tear off & reshingle of my gardening shed. Only got it half way done because the boys didn't really start until noon and then were really slow about getting the roof felt down. 🙄 Youngest is heading back to his college campus in the morning. My SIL is supposed to come take his place so hopefully we can get it done quickly. I still have one more raised bed to try to get into place tomorrow before storms come on Monday afternoon...

I fertilized the strawberries and raspberries today. Moved my tomatoes to an outdoor greenhouse tent. Since I haven't yet purchased a replacement cover, I'm using a clear shower curtain and bungee cords to MacGyver one... 😂
I'm going to bite the bullet and buy a freeze dryer this year. I have so much food(eta: Garden food) to put up every year.... plus the eggs.... I think it's time.

(eta: JARS ARE EXPENSIVE NOW!! UGGH... I can't just be like " oh I'll just buy 60+ more jars this year.... Nope... our yields are too high, storage space too little, and I need.... less work.)
I'm going to bite the bullet and buy a freeze dryer this year. I have so much food(eta: Garden food) to put up every year.... plus the eggs.... I think it's time.

(eta: JARS ARE EXPENSIVE NOW!! UGGH... I can't just be like " oh I'll just buy 60+ more jars this year.... Nope... our yields are too high, storage space too little, and I need.... less work.)
Look for Jars at goodwill second hand stores I buy most mine that way.
Look for Jars at goodwill second hand stores I buy most mine that way.
I do the math when I see them in the thrift shops; most of my jars are from thrift shops except when I get them by pallet split between my MIL, SIL, and myself.

I have gotten jars as cheap as $9 for 12. for full pints, standard mouth. The problem is that when I make jam I use half pints. Those are hard to find here; I generally pay between $14 and $17 per 12. including rings/lids. I have come up on some estate sales and gotten them cheaper but not by much sadly.

Eta: I live in california.... in a place thats off of the beaten path; so people aren't like "Oh jars, whatever"... people charge a higher price for them here. Problem is, we pay it because it's still better than new.... >.> When I visited my family back in OK a while ago... we went garage sale shopping.. I was so upset with the deals... people are much more giving back home. I miss that.

Eta again: Dudes, used long sleeve shirts at our local goodwill are $12 or more... That's what it's like here.
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I do the math when I see them in the thrift shops; most of my jars are from thrift shops except when I get them by pallet split between my MIL, SIL, and myself.

I have gotten jars as cheap as $9 for 12. for full pints, standard mouth. The problem is that when I make jam I use half pints. Those are hard to find here; I generally pay between $14 and $17 per 12. including rings/lids. I have come up on some estate sales and gotten them cheaper but not by much sadly.

Eta: I live in california.... in a place thats off of the beaten path; so people aren't like "Oh jars, whatever"... people charge a higher price for them here. Problem is, we pay it because it's still better than new.... >.> When I visited my family back in OK a while ago... we went garage sale shopping.. I was so upset with the deals... people are much more giving back home. I miss that.

Eta again: Dudes, used long sleeve shirts at our local goodwill are $12 or more... That's what it's like here.
Can't really shop garage sales here, or estate sales. People are vultures.... Selfish brats looking to resell stuff that they can steal from the unknowing instead of taking what they really need or would cherish. I get it, people make money. but I feel like those private sales should benefit people who are wanting to USE the things they buy. I go to estate sales thinking about the love that went into the things used; how can I honor that, how can I give this another life. Not "OH CHACHING, I can sell this for more" I've had to tell people to back off when I have things IN MY HANDS.... so much anxiety.... I could use some distasteful words. I look for quality... not to resell, but to keep and hand down. Growing up we were not well off. We had power, we had well water, but we didn't have TV, or a microwave, or computers. We didn't even have a toaster until I was 10. No blender, no commercial bread, no fun snacks, no processed dairy. We literally churned butter from the clearance milks at our local dairy farm. My socks were darned. My clothes were made from my mothers clothes or toss out table cloths and such from church. We grew our own food or traded food. we had a wood stove we cooked on. Yeah, and this was in the early 90's... I'm only 33 now.

ETA how awesome our food was; Tortillas and pork beans. Lots of those. Lol. Oh and eggs of course. Plus sourdough bread or discard "pancakes" I can't eat sourdough discard now. Haha. I feed it to the compost or cook it for the chickens.
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