What did you do in the garden today?

My personal "rule" is I can't buy anything at a thrift store unless I take in a donation.

I think of it as trading in my clothes.
My rule is if I buy one shirt I have to get rid of one at home. But I volunteer @one store, it's like chicken math in clothes !!! :th:eek:I do take back all the clothes I reject or I'm just tired of. The last time I bought a new shirt it shrunk 2 sizes. That's the beauty of thrift store clothes.
There's a stiff breeze here blowing warm air up from the south. It was supposed to get to 65, but it made it up to 74 degrees today.

I slapped together a little riser for one of my raised beds so the potatoes I'm planting will have deep, loose, compost rich soil to grow in. I'm "chitting" the little taters I'm going to plant.

I have no idea what kind they are. They're organic. The tag calls them Sunrise Medley 2 bite potatoes, so I guess it's a mix of varieties. The price was right, because they were in one of the free boxes of produce scraps I picked up for my chickens at the grocery store last winter.

Chitting is my new word for the day. It means placing seed potatoes in bright sunshine to induce them to start growing.

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I'm not going to lie. Your raised beds are the most awesome thing I've ever seen. Are those... Steel beams?! 😂 Holy crap that's the most expensive raised bed material I've ever seen! I love it!
Omg, it was SO WINDY today.... Sustained winds over 20mph and gusts up to 45 mph. Thankfully it did not knock down the Greenstalk.

I went ahead and covered all the potatoes with some straw mulch to help keep the soil moist.

Speaking of invasive plants... I ordered and planted some Double Gold raspberry from Stark Brothers back in 2022. Within a year, it had completely filled the 6 ft x 2 ft raised bed and was beginning to pop up in the roses next to it. Tonight, I noticed no less than a DOZEN sprouts all over the yard. Some were over 10 ft away from the raspberry bed. They are major invading the blackberry and rose beds that are adjacent to the raspberry bed. Yeah....invasive might be an understatement.

Today I took my boy to the zoo.

Got my elbows from home desperate, went hunting for a six pack of jalapenos for DH since I only started two, and he wants more. DS saw some flowers so we got a bunch and planted them in the berry pots and cherry tree pot.

Caught my dog up in one of my potted trees eating the dirt (I put granulated organic fruit tree fertilizer in it 4 weeks ago so it's starting to smell like horse manure).... Stupid little... You think he would have learned his lesson after eating 4oz of the fertilizer which made him poop and vomit for a whole night. Never had to give a dog an acid reducer until then. 🥴

Tomorrow is a work day. Won't get much done in the yard.

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