What did you do in the garden today?

Anyone else have trouble with their seeds from Baker Seeds? Im having terrible luck with every single one of them. I bought over a dozen things last year. From flower seeds to carrots, to cucumbers, etc. I got nearly nothing from any of them.
However, all of my seeds from Dollar Seeds are doing great! I think I know where I'll be getting most of my seeds from now on.

I planted peas from starts and also direct sow later on. The direct sow ones are doing great and actually are bigger than the starts. Not sure what happened there. LOL! I was hoping for some succession planting with this. They're all from the same seed packet.

I finally divvied up my hosta next to the house and planted a 16' row alongside the chicken run. The remaining hosta is doing great. It actually looks better than it did. I kinda like it now. LOL!

I bought yet another blueberry bush. This one I put in a pot on the deck and it's behind wire fencing as well. Maybe I'll get some blueberries finally. And at least hubs can't mow it down. I think. I'm sure something will happen to it.

Hmm, I can't seem to add emoji's. Weird. I'm using my tablet holder keyboard. It's been a minute since I've used it and apparently forgot how it works. It's a Mac style so I keep hitting the wrong things.

I'm trying to focus more on flowers this year. I always mean to, but never really do. I've been watching Gardner's World and it's got me thinking I can actually do things. LOL!

I am having trouble with a couple of things right now.
First, I planted a canna lily bulb in a pot about a month ago, and I still don't see anything happening. I dug into the dirt and it's still there and not rotten.
Second, I have a grape that seems to have frozen in time. Literally. It started growing buds and stopped. The buds are about 2mm across. It's been like this for 2-3 months, I think.
I'm pretty sure it's quite dead. Sigh! I'd hate to pull it up, just in case.

My perky little ladies say "Hi!"

Anyone else have trouble with their seeds from Baker Seeds? Im having terrible luck with every single one of them. I bought over a dozen things last year. From flower seeds to carrots, to cucumbers, etc. I got nearly nothing from any of them.
However, all of my seeds from Dollar Seeds are doing great! I think I know where I'll be getting most of my seeds from now on.

I planted peas from starts and also direct sow later on. The direct sow ones are doing great and actually are bigger than the starts. Not sure what happened there. LOL! I was hoping for some succession planting with this. They're all from the same seed packet.

I finally divvied up my hosta next to the house and planted a 16' row alongside the chicken run. The remaining hosta is doing great. It actually looks better than it did. I kinda like it now. LOL!

I bought yet another blueberry bush. This one I put in a pot on the deck and it's behind wire fencing as well. Maybe I'll get some blueberries finally. And at least hubs can't mow it down. I think. I'm sure something will happen to it.

Hmm, I can't seem to add emoji's. Weird. I'm using my tablet holder keyboard. It's been a minute since I've used it and apparently forgot how it works. It's a Mac style so I keep hitting the wrong things.

I'm trying to focus more on flowers this year. I always mean to, but never really do. I've been watching Gardner's World and it's got me thinking I can actually do things. LOL!

I am having trouble with a couple of things right now.
First, I planted a canna lily bulb in a pot about a month ago, and I still don't see anything happening. I dug into the dirt and it's still there and not rotten.
Second, I have a grape that seems to have frozen in time. Literally. It started growing buds and stopped. The buds are about 2mm across. It's been like this for 2-3 months, I think.
I'm pretty sure it's quite dead. Sigh! I'd hate to pull it up, just in case.

My perky little ladies say "Hi!"

View attachment 3835590
I had problems last year, and didn't go back, and @TJAnonymous said she is this year.
Anyone else have trouble with their seeds from Baker Seeds? Im having terrible luck with every single one of them. I bought over a dozen things last year. From flower seeds to carrots, to cucumbers, etc. I got nearly nothing from any of them.
However, all of my seeds from Dollar Seeds are doing great! I think I know where I'll be getting most of my seeds from now on.

Yes... I posted about this very topic a few pages back. I've bought quite a few seed packets (over 3 dozen+ through 2 different accounts). I didn't post everything on here but after I noticed how many packets had ZERO germination, I started to look closer. Of the dozens of purchases I've made, I'd say seeds from less than 5 different packets have actually germinated... Very disappointing because I've purchased from Baker for years and this is the first time I have had it happen at this scale. I reached out to Baker and posted their response on this thread. I am thinking about asking for a replacement but in some ways their response made me feel like they think I'm scamming them or something. I probably won't buy from them again.
Anyone else have trouble with their seeds from Baker Seeds? Im having terrible luck with every single one of them. I bought over a dozen things last year. From flower seeds to carrots, to cucumbers, etc. I got nearly nothing from any of them.
However, all of my seeds from Dollar Seeds are doing great! I think I know where I'll be getting most of my seeds from now on.

I planted peas from starts and also direct sow later on. The direct sow ones are doing great and actually are bigger than the starts. Not sure what happened there. LOL! I was hoping for some succession planting with this. They're all from the same seed packet.

I finally divvied up my hosta next to the house and planted a 16' row alongside the chicken run. The remaining hosta is doing great. It actually looks better than it did. I kinda like it now. LOL!

I bought yet another blueberry bush. This one I put in a pot on the deck and it's behind wire fencing as well. Maybe I'll get some blueberries finally. And at least hubs can't mow it down. I think. I'm sure something will happen to it.

Hmm, I can't seem to add emoji's. Weird. I'm using my tablet holder keyboard. It's been a minute since I've used it and apparently forgot how it works. It's a Mac style so I keep hitting the wrong things.

I'm trying to focus more on flowers this year. I always mean to, but never really do. I've been watching Gardner's World and it's got me thinking I can actually do things. LOL!

I am having trouble with a couple of things right now.
First, I planted a canna lily bulb in a pot about a month ago, and I still don't see anything happening. I dug into the dirt and it's still there and not rotten.
Second, I have a grape that seems to have frozen in time. Literally. It started growing buds and stopped. The buds are about 2mm across. It's been like this for 2-3 months, I think.
I'm pretty sure it's quite dead. Sigh! I'd hate to pull it up, just in case.

My perky little ladies say "Hi!"

View attachment 3835590
They didn't respond to me when I complained about bad seeds, but I felt bad after because the winter melon seeds sprouted after I complained.
For my second attempt at sour dough bread, I baked it in a Japanese clay pot. I think it came out around the same as yesterday's one. Tomorrow, I will bake it in a silicone banneton proofing basket that I just got from amazon, and I will be shooting for the ear razor cut with the new blade I got.

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No. It freezes the food, then heats it to cause the water in the food to sublimate. Water freezes as frost on the inside of the freeze dryer. It is a closed unit. When the food is done, and removed, you can choose to let it thaw the ice out naturally, which would add moisture to your basement, or you can close the door and let it heat the ice away. In both instances, it drains out of the freeze dryer, down a hose, and into a drain or bucket (which you empty). So there might be a little humidity there until you empty it. No more than the air conditioning draining into your basement drain or your sump being full of water all the time.
You are pre-freezing your food, right? Save some energy and freeze your foods in food storage bags in the trays; then cut them off of the food and pop them in the freeze dryer.
Chicks are happy. Hens are happy. The alpacas are in the western pasture for two days, so they're happy.
The garden looks good. The tomato starts are growing.
I mowed all day yesterday.

I've got french toast, coffee cake, and ice cream squares in the main freezer, chilling for the freeze dryer tonight.
Sciatica is complaining, so I'll take it on a 12 mile bike ride here shortly and work it out. I feel like I've been kicked in the arse by an ass, but just the one side. LOL

Heading for 90 today and tomorrow.
HA, I read this after my prior comment. That's what I get for replying before catching up to the current page. :p
I ***HAVE*** to address the overgrowth of my grapes this weekend.
Seriously I pruned my grape vines this morning! Haha! :D

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