Coop Z-ville

5 Years
Jun 25, 2018
Zionsville, Indiana
I have had my small flock of 5 chickens for a year-got them from a hatchery as day-old chicks May 2, 2018. They have a well-made, roomy coop, an attached covered run area, and a new open-aired run that is covered by wire to keep out hawks, which are plentiful here. My flock consists of 2 BA, 2 EE, and 1 SFH. One of my BA had health issues as a 2-week old chick (seemed to be respiratory), so she was isolated and nursed back to health. They all started laying around 4-6 months old, except the SFH, who started laying around 10 1/2 months old. I have several issues going on, and am beside myself-what used to be a pleasure, has turned into constant worry! All seemed pretty good until about 6 weeks ago.
#1 Dixie, one of my BA, started laying weird eggs. They got lighter and lighter in color, until they are the color of my SFH (light beige). Also, the large end of her egg is mottled darker colored and rough. There is like a slight ridge around the egg. It must have a crack of some kind, because when I hard boil them, they explode. I also noticed her crop was not emptying about 3 weeks ago, treated her for sour crop, but she still had a pendulous crop, so I got a "crop bra" for her that she wears 2 days, then I give her a break for 1 day-seems to help the crop empty, but it still hangs down without the bra. Are the 2 issues related? Can she be helped in any way? (She is my very sweetest chicken).
#2 Winn, the other BA who was sick as a chick, barely ever lays an egg. She laid at first normally, but lately lays maybe 1 normal egg a week, and in between lays eggs with no shell. Her eggs, too, got lighter in color-first speckled, now light or no shell at all.
#3 And this is not serious, but wondering if there is any relation to anything else going on, one of my EE has always laid eggs with a slightly rough feel to them-like sandpaper. Otherwise everything is fine with her.

Eggs are not a priority with me, I just want to have healthy birds as pets. Can I do anything to help them? This has really discouraged me as a "chicken mom!"
What are you feeding them? Is feed available at all times? Is gravel & grit available at all times? What about oyster shell? They need grit to digest their feed, and oyster shell for calcium to make good eggs with healthy shells. They should be getting a layer mash, either crumbles or pellets, available to free-feed. The feed should say for Laying Hens or something like that on it. Mine get a 16% protein mix but some feed has up to 20%, this may be for birds that are moulting, I'm not sure. Others will advise you. Other feed, like mixed grain "hen scratch," is just a treat. I toss my birds a handful twice a day so they will scratch and get some exercise.

Up until a month ago, I was feeding Scratch and Peck Organic Layer, which I fermented. I thought they might be just picking out what they wanted, so switched to Purina Layena Crumbles a month ago. They have it available at all times. They have fresh water daily, which I add a little apple cider vinegar to. They have always had a container of grit and a container of oyster shell available, just in case they felt the need. None of the girls act sick. They are lively, eat well, poop looks normal. Here are some photos:
Dixie.gif Dixie2.gif
This is Dixie. You can see the enlarged, hanging crop.
This is Winn. She lays the shell-less eggs sometimes.
This is Maize (not a good shot-she is always running around). Her egg shells are slightly rough. Elso, the SFH is on the right and Chloe, my other EE is in the back. Their eggs are normal.
Curious if these issues resolved themselves? I too was worried my flock was only picking out what they wanted form the scratch and peck crumbles/mash. I feed them in the SnP in treadle feeders, and when I notice the dusty stuff getting high in the feeder, I scoop that out and make fermented feed out of it. That way they still get all the nutrients. I too have a couple hens who lay eggs with calcium deposits. I tried adding baking soda to their water and it was a game changer! I only do that when it's pretty hot out though.
Thanks for your reply! I am now feeding Purena Layena pellets, and the girls have transitioned to it nicely (I thought they wasted a lot of the crumbles). I had some Scratch and Peck layer food left, so have used it as a "scratch" on these cooler days-the girls love to "scratch and peck" at it. The fines (powder) from the seed mixture I mix in with their morning mash-a combination of Purina Layena crumbles, a few "bugs for birds," a dash of Scratch and Peck Organic Herb Blend, a few dried marigold flowers from my garden, and water. They munch on this all morning, along with their pelleted food, which is available in a gravity feeder all the time. They sometimes get a treat from the garden-cucumbers, tomatoes, and their very favorite, lemon balm.
Winn is still not laying, except for the occasional shell-less egg. She is a sweetie, so I just consider her a pet. Dixie (with the pendulous crop) is back to laying lovely eggs again-medium brown color all over, and a perfect shell. She doesn't wear a crop bra anymore, as she just tangled her feet in it, and I was afraid she would hurt herself. I check her a couple of times a day to make sure things are moving through. Maize's eggs are still a little rough sometimes, but I guess that is just her style! Everyone I have given eggs to agrees that her eggs are the very best-large deep yellow yolks that are great for over easy eggs!
All the girls seem pretty healthy right now and are much more active with the early fall weather we've been having.
I've never tried baking soda in the water. I was using apple cider vinegar, but switched to Rooster Booster powder with electrolytes when we had a spell of really hot weather. I've continued to use it, as I thought maybe that has something to do with the improvement in the health and eggs.
Thanks for the updates:D. Great information. I may transition to pellets too... It is great news to hear they have all pretty much recovered with the exception of Winn. It's nice to know she can still be a valued member of the flock fam despite not being big on egg production.

I too use rooster booster with electrolytes once a week. I've read giving it to them too often can lead to diarrhea, and I have one hen who has had loose stools for a long time no matter what I do. However her stools do tend to get more normal when I add baking soda to the water... Ive attached a couple photos of a pages from the The Chicken Health Handbook (G. Damerow) where I learned about the bicarbonate. My apologies if this is stuff you already know


Oh, and I also have a prolific later that more often than not has calcium deposits on her eggs. I'm not too worried about it...

Again, happy to hear things have gotten better:hugs
Thanks for the updates:D. Great information. I may transition to pellets too... It is great news to hear they have all pretty much recovered with the exception of Winn. It's nice to know she can still be a valued member of the flock fam despite not being big on egg production.

I too use rooster booster with electrolytes once a week. I've read giving it to them too often can lead to diarrhea, and I have one hen who has had loose stools for a long time no matter what I do. However her stools do tend to get more normal when I add baking soda to the water... Ive attached a couple photos of a pages from the The Chicken Health Handbook (G. Damerow) where I learned about the bicarbonate. My apologies if this is stuff you already know
View attachment 1901699
View attachment 1901703
Oh, and I also have a prolific later that more often than not has calcium deposits on her eggs. I'm not too worried about it...

Again, happy to hear things have gotten better:hugs

This was news to me, thanks for posting! :frow
@Coop Z-ville you have lovely birds! I find black Austrolorps especially attractive and hope to have some someday. Why does Winn look like she is wearing a glass halo in her pic? (I bet I am going to feel really silly when you tell me what I'm seeing, lol!)

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