managing chickens

  1. mrslita2019

    What are your thoughts???

    Hi All, We picked up 10 hens of various types from my aunt last week. They have been raised free ranging and getting egg layer AM and PM. We live on 10 VERY OPEN acres. Built them a decent size coop to keep them safe from predators. I am feeding egg layer AM and PM with a few treats like...
  2. GoldpartridgeHen

    One cockerel, one pullet

    I have one marans cockerel with a cochin pullet They are 10 weeks, and the cockerel has started to crow, and has also started to bully the cochin... i can't keep cockerels where i am and i know a farm i can give it to asap, but will the pullet be unhappy on its own for 3-4 weeks? I have 2 week...
  3. Coop Z-ville

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    I have had my small flock of 5 chickens for a year-got them from a hatchery as day-old chicks May 2, 2018. They have a well-made, roomy coop, an attached covered run area, and a new open-aired run that is covered by wire to keep out hawks, which are plentiful here. My flock consists of 2 BA, 2...
  4. Gavrocks

    Should I get a Cinnamon Queen?

    I think this is supposed to not be a question, but I am wondering if I should get a Cinnamon Queen. If I should, Where? I already have the coop and the fence around it, feeders, a water dish, a place to lay, and four chickens!
  5. Gavrocks

    info on fences, coops, getting new chicks introduced, and more!

    Hi! I don't know if I'm supposed to post a question, but I'm telling you info. First thing: the fence and coop. Chickens should be in a coop with 2-3 feet of room for each chicken (at least). The coop should provide a safe place to sleep, a place to lay, and a feeder and a water bowl. the coop...
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