Gout causing kidney damage can have a number of causes. It is actually rare in chickens. Fungal infection, early in life exposure to infectious bronchitis, water deprivation, and excess sodium, calcium, or protein in the diet are some of the possible causes. There is not much that can be done at this point other than to manage the pain. I would switch to an all flock feed, and if you have hens who still lay, just offer a container of crushed limestone or oystershell for their extra calcium requirements. Here is another hood article to read:
Definitely will switch over to all flock feed next payday and take a look at that article. Thank you all for responding and taking a moment to help me out @Eggcessive @cottagecheese @microchick and @Melky.
How is your hen doing? If possible, I would soak her feet and legs in warm Epsom salts water for 20 minutes once a day for a week or so, to see if it helps. If possible, I would be interested in seeing the bottoms of her feet if you could post another picture. Is she able to walk around okay? It just looks very painful. You can get Epsom salts at Walmart in the first aid aisle and in most other stores.
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