Wet fowlpox or respiratory disease?


6 Years
Jan 26, 2018
Crusty scabs on her nose and corner of beak. I could not get a photo of the inside of her mouth but there are black warts on the top and bottom, surrounded by thick white stuff that I can't wipe off. It smells like a wet dog. Her throat is very swollen (see photo). she tries to eat/drink but has trouble swallowing.

Other chickens look okay, but some seem less active than usual. Two turkeys died from wet fowlpox last month. One turkey sounds like she is breathing through a stuffed nose and hunches up like she's cold all the time. Not sure if that is an early symptom of wet fowlpox or if I am totally wrong and they all have a respiratory virus. Please help if you have seen anything like this before.

Screen Shot 2024-01-13 at 5.38.49 PM.png
Photos of the inside of her beak may be helpful.

If you've lost 2 Turkeys recently as well, then it may be Canker instead of Fowl Pox, but hard to know.
Wet Form of Fowl Pox (and Canker) too could produce respiratory like symptoms, just due to material collecting in the throat, airway, etc.

Have you tried treating with anything at all? If so, what, the dose and duration.
Please, what is your location? And do you have either pigeons hanging around close by or mosquitoes?
california bay area. no mosquitoes this time of year. I have not seen any pigeons, but there are sparrows. they migrate here for the winter.
Photos of the inside of her beak may be helpful.

If you've lost 2 Turkeys recently as well, then it may be Canker instead of Fowl Pox, but hard to know.
Wet Form of Fowl Pox (and Canker) too could produce respiratory like symptoms, just due to material collecting in the throat, airway, etc.

Have you tried treating with anything at all? If so, what, the dose and duration.
I tried to photograph inside the beak but she won't cooperate :( It's just totally filled with white stuff that won't wipe away.

Photo of one of the turkeys that died ~3 weeks ago (warning very gross):

I have not treated with anything because i thought that fowl pox would go away by itself. But so far no one has ever recovered, so I am not sure if it is fowl pox or something else. Also worried about mycoplasma and bird flu due to the congested turkey hen. Her symptoms started right after this one died and have not improved.
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Poor thing!
It does look like Fowl Pox. The thread linked below is long but you may find some tips for treatment in there. Sometimes you can give an antibiotic to help with secondary infection, but it's best to get some swabs/testing to find out what you are dealing with.

I agree, you are in CA and your State Lab system if one of the better ones out there as far as access and affordability. Contact them and see what they can help you with as far as testing and go from there. https://cahfs.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/


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