Were You Attacked and Injured by YOUR Rooster?

Were You Attacked and Injured by Your Rooster?

  • I did nothing, we're okay

    Votes: 3 5.8%
  • I did nothing, he attacked again

    Votes: 8 15.4%
  • I confined him, his attitude improved

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • I confined him, didn't help his attitude

    Votes: 7 13.5%
  • I rehomed him

    Votes: 6 11.5%
  • I removed him from the gene pool (permanent)

    Votes: 30 57.7%
  • Other (describe)

    Votes: 12 23.1%

  • Total voters
I'm not even remotely interested in trying to "correct," bad Rooster behavior. My step Dad got a very serious leg infection from a Spur hit. When I see it, they're all the way out not matter how. I Craig's list them and whatever that means is what it is, I don't tell people like I've read a million times "only to good home who won't cull him." Whatever the future holds is fine by me. I don't pretend that they're not aggressive, I give full disclosure.
I had a nasty BSL link cockerel would attack everyone in my family flew at faces at attacked legs it got so bad to a point where I was the only one who would go out to take care of them. I have three horror stories with him.

1. I had a hen with a canker sore that I needed to look at and she was already difficult to catch but he would not let me near her he would not stop attacking me so I had to wait until she went to lay her egg then I had to lock her in there to even get close to her.

2. I was going out to church and I went to go through the backyard to make sure they had food and water. I was in flats and not my thick boots so when he attacked me he ended up bruising the bone of my foot.

3. I went to go collect some eggs at night and he bit my hand so hard that he left a scar.

He never even stood up to a predator. When we lost my family’s favorite hen we found him in the from yard under a bush. The rooster that came after him was the best rooster I’ve ever had. He kept predators away from my hens and when he went out he went out fighting.
this is why socialization of your day old chicks is IMPERATIVE

you're more likely to get an aggro rooster when you have to many chicks to spend individual time bonding with them.
i have 10 right now and socializing them all using my very loving 3 year old. Our suspected cockerels are VERY friendly right now at 2 weeks old.

when i was a teenager i had a few roosters who were SUPER mean. One comes to mind who was the worst. Alex. everytime we got near him he'd attack, so we eventually started working on countermeasures. Swatting him never worked, kicking back worked sometimes, but he was a MASSIVE, jersey Giant, attacking back only seemed to fuel him

we tied his leg to a chain and gave him a 20 foot yard. that worked like a charm to keep the ladies in the run, keep him back from us, and the littles, and keep them all safe as he had injured and even killed off his own sons before.

one day he got off somehow, and i was coming home from school, as i got off the bus i heard a young child screaming for help When i came around the bus, our rooster was chasing a 7 year old boy home biting and drawing blood the whole way

We dispatched Sir Alex the next day.
My first batch of day old chicks were socialized from the day I brought them home. I handled them and often would have them roost on my lap.

Joel, wound up as head roo. He pecked my leg a couple times as a cockerel, but otherwise was a very good boy. He tidbitted his girls and tolerated second roo, Samuel. Joel had a seizure and died at 11 months, Samuel took over.


Samuel never tidbitted his girls, was rough and demanding over his mating urges. He's the one who inspired me to start this thread. He was a bad roo.

Both were handled from the beginning, day 3.

I think Samuel was just a 💩 roo.

Handling may help socialize roos, but I wouldn't discount their individual personalities in why they can become total 💩💩💩.


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I'm not even remotely interested in trying to "correct," bad Rooster behavior. My step Dad got a very serious leg infection from a Spur hit. When I see it, they're all the way out not matter how. I Craig's list them and whatever that means is what it is, I don't tell people like I've read a million times "only to good home who won't cull him." Whatever the future holds is fine by me. I don't pretend that they're not aggressive, I give full disclosure.
We have posted on Craigslist to rehome several Roosters, as we have too many, and I haven’t taken the time to build a bachelor coop for them. We were also concerned about them fighting and injuring each other with all the testosterone in one coop.
We have 5 Cemani Roosters in a coop that we planned on breeding when we could get some more hens, but we witnessed several times in a day, them ganging up on one, and even flying up on the roosting bar , grabbing his comb and jumping off to drag him down to continue the beating. We let him out and kept the others in there.( sorry, I know it’s the wrong thread for this, but it ties into us getting rid of Roosters that we don’t want to cull)
Although only the bantam, and a Tom protecting the bantam, are aggressive towards humans.
We have posted on Craigslist to rehome several Roosters, as we have too many, and I haven’t taken the time to build a bachelor coop for them. We were also concerned about them fighting and injuring each other with all the testosterone in one coop.
We have 5 Cemani Roosters in a coop that we planned on breeding when we could get some more hens, but we witnessed several times in a day, them ganging up on one, and even flying up on the roosting bar , grabbing his comb and jumping off to drag him down to continue the beating. We let him out and kept the others in there.( sorry, I know it’s the wrong thread for this, but it ties into us getting rid of Roosters that we don’t want to cull)
Although only the bantam, and a Tom protecting the bantam, are aggressive towards humans.
Yeah I follow. It's because I always have purebred chickens that I give someone via Craigslist the opportunity to breed. Local breeders with the right facilities will even trade me if I have a breed they're interested in so that's a win/win. And if nothing happens via Craig's list then off to the drive through processing that I'm lucky enough to have near by, they go.
For those who were attacked and injured by their own rooster, please respond.

My rooster attacked me in the face, just missed my eye. I'm not keeping him, but would appreciate input from others.

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Gumbo. Every time. I always end up with one at least, though i only buy pullets. And every time i am optimistic. 17 times so far. Start out so sweet. All my chickens are hand tame. Then puberty hits. The last was a brahma. Supposed "gentle giant". Uh huh. He had spurs like a rodeo king and he turned hateful overnight. Tearing up other birds, etc. I finally got tired of playing kick the chicken and segregating him. Attacking me every time i turned around.
Furthermore, they are supposed to protect the flock. Uh huh. They are ALWAYS the first to run and hide if there's dangers! Over 100 chickens I've raised to date.
Gumbo. Roosters. Good match. Tom turkeys, too.
Yeah I follow. It's because I always have purebred chickens that I give someone via Craigslist the opportunity to breed. Local breeders with the right facilities will even trade me if I have a breed they're interested in so that's a win/win. And if nothing happens via Craig's list then off to the drive through processing that I'm lucky enough to have near by, they go.
That's a good way to go for rare chickens. Folks like me who are hobbyists and don't want to spend thousands on a chicken are grateful. Mine are all just mutts, and useless - or worse, dangerous to my other birds and me. So... permanently rehomed. To Hell, i hope.
Gumbo. Every time. I always end up with one at least, though i only buy pullets. And every time i am optimistic. 17 times so far. Start out so sweet. All my chickens are hand tame. Then puberty hits. The last was a brahma. Supposed "gentle giant". Uh huh. He had spurs like a rodeo king and he turned hateful overnight. Tearing up other birds, etc. I finally got tired of playing kick the chicken and segregating him. Attacking me every time i turned around.
Furthermore, they are supposed to protect the flock. Uh huh. They are ALWAYS the first to run and hide if there's dangers! Over 100 chickens I've raised to date.
Gumbo. Roosters. Good match. Tom turkeys, too.
IM so sorry you got so badly injured. People don't realize how vicious rosters can be. It seems like they always tear up at least one hen just for fun, too. Ripped to shreds.
My RIR roo attacked everyone that came to my house. He attacked my back right leg calf one day while i was hanging laundry.
I literally thought i had been attacked by a rabid fox. Should've gotten stitches but i hate the hospital here.
He died of natural causes immediately after i taped my leg up. It's pretty natural to die when you are hit with buckshot.
I hate roos. And toms. Mine have always turned mean without exception.

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