aggression in roosters

  1. fuzzi

    Were You Attacked and Injured by YOUR Rooster?

    For those who were attacked and injured by their own rooster, please respond. My rooster attacked me in the face, just missed my eye. I'm not keeping him, but would appreciate input from others.
  2. H

    Rooster Agressive Towards Hens

    Hello! Last year, I wanted to expand my flock. We would've been going from 3 Dominiques (2 years old in March) to the Dominiques + 3 Easter Egger hens. My father very much wanted a rooster, so after some research we ended up adding 4 hens (one was a surprise) and a rooster. They came by post at...
  3. M

    No hen submission here!!

    I’m just curious about my hens and roosters behaviors. I have 12 hens and one rooster, all about 16 months old. The rooster has gotten very very very aggressive with the hens (and my husband and myself but that’s beside the point)… He chases them, grabs the back of the head, and there’s a lot of...
  4. R

    Does my rooster need to go?

    Hey there, I’ve got a 7-month old EE rooster who is becoming a bit of an issue and I’m not sure what to do. He was a ‘surprise’ but I’ve kept him so far as he was good at keeping an eye on the 6 hens when they were free-ranging. But he isn’t really ‘needed’ for protection as they only...
  5. wolf-deer88

    Aggression in Roosters--Is it Genetic?

    My silkie rooster has always been a little standoffish, so I would keep my distance but one day last week, I suppose I got too close and he attacked me. Drew some blood, but nothing serious. He has charged at me several times since then. Yesterday, he even tried to attack me through the wire...
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