Well ain't I in a quandry


8 Years
Feb 25, 2011
Bay City, TX
I finally got all my bits and pieces together for my home made 'bator upgrade, and I don't need chooks this year! How on earth am I supposed to test it to make sure it works well? What to do what to do...I don't suppose anybody in the south-of-Houston area needs mutt chicks? :D
You don't need chicks this year? What bizarro world are you living in?

I'd still have to give it a go, hatch out some barnyard mix eggs if that's what you've got, and then list them on CL or whatever to sell them. I have folks on my local listing selling straight run chicks on and off for $2-5.
Bizzaro indeed! The kind of world with enough eggs to eat and sell I suppose. That and a hubby who makes an awful lot of sense when it comes to putting his foot down on expenditures vs. income. Oy, money, my biggest bane. If it weren't for him, I swear I'd spend us all into the poor house. (it's a side effect of the medication I have to take. I suppose I'm lucky that I got the 'compulsive spending' side effect rather than the 'compulsive gambling' or worse! The man is a saint, i swear.)

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