Valley Quail, HELP!!!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 9, 2008
La Center, Wa
My valley quail are going to be hatching in the next couple of days, and I was wondering if the organic chick starter I have would be ok to feed them. It is around 20% protien and there is no medication in it. Will this be ok or should I get some kind of game bird feed???

Also.......Do they need to have grit?

This is my first time with Quail. What would be the best for them. Anything will help.

Thanks. : )
Sorry, I don't have any valley quail but was thinking about it. I know with the Cordex quail I have, they eat the chick starter w/o grit, because it is very small crumbles. Haven't had a problem, so I think the same would apply to other quail.
Seems a little late to be asking for help, I would suggest researching well before reaching this point when working with wild galliformes. Regardless, the protein content is a little low, but should suffice if you supplement with some chopped greens, small mealworms and chopped boiled egg. Grit is not needed at this age as the commercial crumbles are formulated for easy digestion. You may have to crush the larger crumbles though to smaller pieces and some Callipepla species may need to be enticed to eat.

Good luck.

20% works okay I've been raising my quail on it. Though Dumor's quail starter is 24% my quail have been doing fine and all grown into lovely birds. My own Valley quail are due to hatch in 5-6 days. These will be my first and I'm going to use my mortar and pistol to powder up their feed which I've done for my other quail.
Thanks for all the help.

I was planning on feeding the chick starter for them but someone said that the protien was to low and I got worried.

I got some game bird starter and crumbled it up. I now have 48 happy little quail.

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