Urgent. Sick Rooster Lying down w labored breathing in isolation cage.


In the Brooder
Oct 25, 2023
Upstate South Carolina
1) RIR rooster. Maybe be 24-30 weeks ago. Inherited him recently. He’s a big boy. Maybe 7 or 8 pounds.
2) Stopped crowing last week. I treated the whole flock for an unidentified illness over a month ago. One hen was sick at the time. Isolated her. Treated whole flock, at vet suggestion, with Corid, Safeguard, Ivermectin, electrolytes. B vitamins and vitamins after. Hen recovered. Rooster also had poopy butt at the time me. He was quiet over weekend and I thought it was because he was cold. We had bad weather…15 degrees at night in SC.
3) Poopy but a month ago. Got better with treatment. Got quiet one week ago. To say found him in coop facing the wall. Caught him to bring him up to isolation and he caught me then passed out in my arms. He’s in isolation with labored breathing.
4) No one else with symptoms. I have 8 hens.
5) I see one mass on his left foot. Comb is now very dark.
6) What happened? I don’t know. We had some cold weather.
8) Poop looks a little runny, a little dark but was normal three days ago. Butt is a little poopy. I’m wondering if I underdosed him last month because of his heavier weight and whatever he had a month ago has come back.
9) Just caught him! Forced a little electrolyte water, dosed him syringe w two drops of Corid. I think that is what worked last time.
10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? I had a vet who gave advice over the phone. Willing to take him in tomorrow, but idk if she even sees chickens. I may be doing this myself.
11) pic of butt and foot attached.
12) He is free range during day, in solid coop at night that we have winterized.

The feel terrible that I didn’t see his foot before this!!! He’s kind of a wild boy. Hard to get close to.


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The foot is bumblefoot. The redness of his skin is concerning. Have you checked him over for mites? Put his side (slightly under the wing) next to you ear. How does his heart sound? (Compare to other birds if you've never listened to a chicken's heart before.) You said he passed out in your arms. Is he still breathing? Did he do any crazy flapping?

With this other illness that the flock had, what was the symptoms?
Symptoms were one hen acting lethargic and had some green poop. All others had no symptoms. No one seems to be symptomatic for anything. I will check him for mites.

He is still breathing. He fought me hard when I caught him and he was flapping then.

I have a stethoscope. Will listen now. Thank you.
He is awake and wants nothing to do with me getting near him with my head. Can not get to heartbeat.
How strong is he? If you hold his legs in one hand, you should be able to hold him; just be cautious of his flapping. (Or maybe get someone to help you? ) Can you get a picture of his comb?
I would put some towels or bedding underneath
him in his crate, to make him more comfortable. Then, I would leave him alone with his medicated water. Try not to stress him. Roosters are Hugh strung and can be stressed easily. Offer some food. Stop the vitamins, since B vitamins should not be given with Corid. So do one or the other.

Has he been with your other chickens all along since he has been there? If so, he might have been infected by your flock or they by him, so there is no need to keep him separated now. He might be less stressed if he is with the hens (unless you have other roosters.)

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