Help please! Rooster can’t walk well

Does he have any signs of Mareks disease, such as lying with one leg forward and one leg under or back? Does the bad leg seem numb or paralyzed, and does he use his wings to balance? With 2 roosters together, he may have been injured, or he could have been born with a leg issue or leg bone deformity. Varus or valgus deformities are common and may cause one or both legs to become bowed in or outward. When I have kept more than one rooster in a flock the subordinate one always seems to become weaker. Hard to know what exactly is wrong, but watch for the other rooster who may pick on him as he has leg or walking issues. It might be better for him to be in a wire dog crate or pen with food and water. Watch out for breast blisters or callouses over the keel/breast bone which can happen with continued pressure over the keel bone.
Hi just coming back to ask another question, so for an update he’s basically in the same condition I’ve been working on getting him more cleaned up and he seems to be improving I now noticed tho his toes on the effected foot are all completely numb. His back toe is up with the others, but his other foot and toes are still normal. I’ll attach a picture but any ideas on what to do? I gave him dewormer and it didn’t seem to do anything. He’s very very skinny so I’m wondering if this is just malnutrition to the max?
Hello do you have an update how is your boy?
Unfortunately he wasn’t improving at all it was killing me to watch him, we put him down and it was really hard but he started getting worse moving around and there was just no fair quality of life :( it’s crazy I should have gotten a necropsy but my dad buried him for me

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