!!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

I like the paint ball idea. First, they hurt and may be enough to discourage the dog without killing it. Second, they’ll leave a visible reminder to the owners that you are capable of hitting their dog with a projectile, that could be a bullet next time.
> Like water balloons filled with paint or something? Not sure what that'll do besides piss of the owner which you seem to be against.

Pissing the owner is exactly the idea. Killing his/her dog is on a different level, and definitely less humane

If the dog is illegal in the state, animal control may want to have a serious talk with the owner, or worse kill the dog directly. You decide, but keeping a good relationship with your neighbors is also valuable, and could worth it more than a few ducks.
I'm not gonna read back but I believe it was said this dog has killed OPs birds 2 or 3 times and attacked a dog on their property?
Seems some steps were taken by the owner but those have now been abandoned.
I'm thinking that neighbor and I are already passed having a good relationship.
> Study traps.... then what? Trap it? And then what?

Animal control will probably be much more prone to come and take a dog if is trapped in a room or a cage. Your mileage may vary depending on the area or country. If they take the dog, the dog owner will need to pay for the dog maintenance at the time of recovering it.

Moreover, if you shoot a pitbull and fail, most probably will try to attack you. This can end very bad for both, you and the owner of the dog, so probably not the wisest move. This dog can kill a person, and shooting him in a leg for example assures that will have the motivation to try
Just don't miss! (Says the guy who barely can identify the business-end of a firearm 😜)
Shotgun with buckshot? Rapid reload, so you can shoot multiple times? Blunderbuss?
Idk, but that is a problem dog - and a problem owner.
> Like water balloons filled with paint or something? Not sure what that'll do besides piss of the owner which you seem to be against.

Pissing the owner is exactly the idea. Killing his/her dog is on a different level, and definitely less humane

If the dog is illegal in the state, animal control may want to have a serious talk with the owner, or worse kill the dog directly. You decide, but keeping a good relationship with your neighbors is also valuable, and could worth it more than a few ducks.
As far as i understood, that dog is a repeat offender and has attacked another dog while under "supervision" of its owner. So both, the dog and its owner are a problem. What if that dog doesn't like the toddler riding a scooter down the road…
I'm not gonna read back but I believe it was said this dog has killed OPs birds 2 or 3 times and attacked a dog on their property?
Seems some steps were taken by the owner but those have now been abandoned.
I'm thinking that neighbor and I are already passed having a good relationship.
Some folks only learn after touching the red hot iron bare-handed.
Some folks never learn.
I am so sorry for you loss. I think you need to build a better fence. Sounds like he is climbing or jumping over it. I am looking to get an electric fence for security. So sorry :(
This is perpetrator victim reversal! - OP needs to build a better fence?!?
That dog needs to have a better owner!

The robbers keep coming back, so you should not have any valuables on you?
A friend of mine left his pit bull in the house a couple days while he went on a trip and it chewed a hole underneath the front door to get out .The city declared it a dangerous dog after it killed some neighbors cats and made him get rid of it.I was in animal rescue and took it to my house to save it but it chewed the siding off my house within 30 minutes of arriving there.I was out back preparing it a place to stay for the night and had to rush it to the vet for stitches.Dogs like this can't be kept out of a fence sorry.

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