Update on GROUNDS Coffee Ground Bedding for your coop!

I bought some at TSC months ago - Totally agree with you..... LOVE IT!! I went to buy some yesterday and they are out... don't know when they will have more shipped to them. We live in Joplin. I tried calling around and nobody is selling it... I don't want to wait until Fall either. I would drive to pick some up (within a reasonable distance), if I knew where I could go... I'll keep an eye on this thread! Thanks!!
Only issue I have is I do deep litter method & use the coop clean out to add to compost pile & use for the garden . Excessive amounts of coffee grounds are not good for plants 😩
I use grounds in my garden a LOT. This has really helped the soil around my blueberries.

What did you read/hear about coffee grounds not being good for plants, or is this from your own experience?
I guess I should have specified better about coffee grounds . Coffee grounds are not BAD for the garden ,but like anything else you don't want to over do it. I mix tea leaves & coffee grounds into my compost .They should be used in moderation as they can also increase soil acidity. It is recommended to mix coffee grounds with other organic matter, such as compost, and use it as a top dressing for plants once every few weeks. Anything that was once living is good for the soil in moderation.
Toward the end of February this year I picked up 3 bags of grounds coffee ground bedding from Tractor Supply and immediately fell in love. With three bags I had a roughly 4" layer in my 4x6' chicken coop. My coop smelled wonderful and the grounds were so light weight and compostable. The very best part though is the scoopability of the coffee grounds. Fast forward to today, roughly five months later, and the litter is largely poop-free as I am able to scoop it daily. It hasn't broken down into dust as wood chips do after a couple of months. It doesn't smell, isn't moldy (but I don't leave water in the coop either). The downside is this bedding as disappeared off the shelves of TSC. You can view product info at poweredbycoffee.com but sadly, they now only ship locally within 25 miles of Indianapolis. I contacted the company directly and received a response. They said they are hoping to be back in TSC by the fall, but that's not soon enough! I have been saving my own coffee and drying it to replenish what is lost, but within the last month I've finally decided I really need more. I hate the thought of switching back to pine, and I don't want to use sand at all. It is too heavy and too difficult to find dust-free sand. It also isn't compostable.

What to do? I called the Starbucks located next to my work office and they said they'll give me a huge box for free. I am picking it up today at lunch and plan on spreading the grounds on a tarp in the sun to facilitate drying. I am only nervous that they use a fine grind, but we shall see. I'll update if it works. If this is successful, this will mean a free source of bedding that is recycled, compostable, smells fantastic, scoopable, longer lasting. I really can't see any downsides!
I recently read an article that said that coffee ground bedding and pine shavings worked well together . I am thinking of trying it that way.
I recently read an article that said that coffee ground bedding and pine shavings worked well together . I am thinking of trying it that way.
I would expect the coffee grounds to fall to the bottom and the shavings to sit on top, just based on what happens with small and large pieces in any other kind of bedding.

I can't say whether that would be a good thing or a bad thing, just that it will probably happen.
I have been collecting coffee grinds for the past 1-2 months from local coffee shops and drying them.

I finally had 2 big garbage cans full so today I did a spring coop clean out and removed the Stall Dry I had been using in the poop board and replaced it with the grinds.

The coop smells amazing and best part, not dusty like the Stall dry!!


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