Um, who returns a half starved molting chicken? (update/more pictures)

She's a RIR and its not likely, she wasn't in the nest boxes where every single pullet or hen lays eggs... there's just no where to hide.

It's still possible I guess, we've put the Christmas tree in since then and put new sand in and cleaned the coop part (twice)...

What's strange is there's no dominance fight she was alpha hen...

So she must have been there, right?
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I would say she escaped when the bunnies did and has been missing since...maybe she did go broody. It would explain a lot about the weight loss and lack of feathering. Maybe she did hatch some little ones and they got eaten by a predator? I do not think she could have hidden from you all that time. Maybe a neighbor saw her out and put her back for you? If not broody, as to where she was in the meantime, I am at a loss!
On second thought, you know what could have happened? Seems far-fetched but hear me out: maybe the day the bunnies got out Minnie did too. Perhaps a neighborhood kid or kids found her. Maybe they took her home and have had her all this time? Maybe they realized the trouble chickens can be, or maybe they got found out hiding a chicken, or maybe they got bored and brought her back? They may have known all along that the bird was probably yours but thought it would be fun to keep since they "found" it anyway? Just a thought as to a too would explain the weight loss...if someone totally ignorant to caring for a chicken tried to keep her...
BigDaddy'sGurl :

I would say she escaped when the bunnies did and has been missing since...maybe she did go broody. It would explain a lot about the weight loss and lack of feathering. Maybe she did hatch some little ones and they got eaten by a predator? I do not think she could have hidden from you all that time. Maybe a neighbor saw her out and put her back for you? If not broody, as to where she was in the meantime, I am at a loss!

BigDaddy'sGurl :

On second thought, you know what could have happened? Seems far-fetched but hear me out: maybe the day the bunnies got out Minnie did too. Perhaps a neighborhood kid or kids found her. Maybe they took her home and have had her all this time? Maybe they realized the trouble chickens can be, or maybe they got found out hiding a chicken, or maybe they got bored and brought her back? They may have known all along that the bird was probably yours but thought it would be fun to keep since they "found" it anyway? Just a thought as to a too would explain the weight loss...if someone totally ignorant to caring for a chicken tried to keep her...

Either is possible, she was missing the day the bunnies got out, and If I forgot to latch the door the bunnies could have pushed on it and opened it...

I'm asking around to find out if anyone returned her, they deserve some eggs IF I don't think they took her.

I know the construction guys across the street know I have chickens, and the yard dudes next door- but they use chickens for eggs and meat - mine are pets and lay eggs.


Could she have escaped with the rabbits, run away then gone broody with no eggs? (or just the eggs she was making?)

There are not that many kids around besides my family, there is a YMCA next door-

She is loud for a hen, always talking or singing....​
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Where ever she was she looks like she didn't like it much, "protect me" to the rooster. Poor, poor thing.
What is her name?
Let me get this right... You just found your chicken in your pen or coop shut up with no way out and no way to get back in. That so, some one helped her and there self. If they didn't give her the coodies. I would give her some egg, a flea bath then hold her and get her warm. I love her and I don't think RIR are the happiest of campers. Ya know, she just might let you know one day what made her like this.
Let us know how she does. Poor Baby

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