Um, who returns a half starved molting chicken? (update/more pictures)

RIR = Rhodes Island Red an American breed of chicken who lays a large brown egg

BSL = black sex link, these are a mix of two high producing lines that the first generation of chicks hatches so the color identifies the gender.

GLW = Golden lace Wyandotte - a Wyandotte with gold lacing....

Heirloom - a line who can be traced back that has been bred towards the SOP (standard of Perfection) / (these correctly bread have a chance to go broody, especially in spring) also the birds -should- be able to self perpetuate w/o human interference. (see comment about broodyness) (( RIR in this case ))

Production - a line that has been bread for high production at the expense of form and color/ type shape ...ect.
((these will almost never go broody so we humans must incubate their eggs)) (( here - ))
ahhh... thank you. im learning these new things, slowly but surely, as was mostly the exotic animal kind of guy. think chickens combine alot of the qualities i love in alot of things though. been chooked, since got the first three easter just hatched chicks!
NP and :

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