Two hens and a chick


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 1, 2012
Where to start....?
I have two coops built. I have a small flock of bantams that includes 9 hens and one roo. They all free range together, with the exception of one little white hen who they all constantly pick on so she sort of just stays off to herself. OK. She went broody first and hatched off I think 6, but only has two that have made it past the cold weather. I had 3 go broody at the same exact time in the same exact nest. So yeah, they sat on the same nest with each other the whole time, but only hatched out 4 chicks which they are now sharing mothering. Then I had two more hens go broody and sort of just disappeared until yesterday. There's one who came into the yard with 6 chicks, and one that came into the yard with 3 chicks. Up until now, I had the three sharing mommas together in the "house" part of one coop and when they would go up, the little loner momma with the two chicks left goes in the run and sleeps in a crate. The other coop was full of my youth heavy stock chicks. So when the new mommas came home, I moved them into another pen and moved the hen with 6 chicks into that coop. So my question is this: can I safely move the hen that came home with 3 chicks into the same coop? I know they are territorial over their chicks, but will they actually kill the other's babies? There's plenty of room int he coop for them both, as I built it to house 8 heavy breed chickens. I am just unsure as to whether or not to try to slip both hens and chicks together.I cant' leave them out because of the predator birds that have recently started hanging around.
Any guidance would be most appreciated!!
Thank you!
That's really a scary thought. If they haven't been in close proximity to each other, they are likely to have a really bloody battle and some chicks could get hurt in all the action. Of course it could go smoothly, too. I'm gonna advise against it as I hate to think of the outcome, but in your situation, ya might hafta try it. Just be sure to expect the worst and have some help on hand, in case. Good luck........Pop
Thank you Pop!!!! I waited until almost dark when they started going in to roost and I slipped the Momma hen with the 3 chicks quietly in to the coop house with the other hen. I really did expect a worse outcome..a little feathers ruffled, ANYTHING...but they just spoke a quick "hey" and fanned out their tails at each other, and then both picked a spot to sit down and cover their babies. I think I must have some really strange birds.
I will be sure to keep an eye on them tomorrow morning when they are able to fully see each other. I do NOT want to lose any babies (or hens) over a spacial issue. (well, I mean, I don't want to lose any of them to anything...but you know what I mean).
Now, in the meantime, let's go check on the Serama supposed to hatch tonight!! Thank you again!

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