Two broody hens at once


In the Brooder
Jul 30, 2023
I have two broody hens that would hatch within a few days of each other. I plan to separating them from the rest of the flock so they don’t keep gathering other hens eggs, but will it be ok for them to go together in a separate coop (in separate nests of course). Will they be OK with each other’s chicks, raising them together? Any tips on moving them much appreciated!
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My star broody had her chicks before her inconsistent sister's eggs were due. The sister abandoned her eggs and started co-mothering the chicks. If yours hatch within a few days of eachother, it might work out
My star broody had her chicks before her inconsistent sister's eggs were due. The sister abandoned her eggs and started co-mothering the chicks. If yours hatch within a few days of eachother, it might work out
Ok good to know. Ya, they would be within a day or two.
When housed close together some hens will leave the nest as soon as the first group of chicks hatches. Some hens will cohabitate and raise chicks along with another hen. The more space they have the greater chance they will get along.
Thanks. They’ll have lots of space.🤞
Many people have situations like yours and it works out great. I had a broody hen abandon her nest and fight another broody to take aver once the eggs started to pip and chirp. They destroyed half the eggs. Sometimes they work together to raise the chicks. Sometimes one will kill the chicks under the other hen. You never know how that will work out.

You can certainly try what you are doing, there is a reasonable chance it can work out. If it were me I'd mark the eggs so I could check at the end of the day and remove any that don't belong and put one in with the main flock and keep the other separated. My one bad experience was really bad.

Good luck whatever you try.
Many people have situations like yours and it works out great. I had a broody hen abandon her nest and fight another broody to take aver once the eggs started to pip and chirp. They destroyed half the eggs. Sometimes they work together to raise the chicks. Sometimes one will kill the chicks under the other hen. You never know how that will work out.

You can certainly try what you are doing, there is a reasonable chance it can work out. If it were me I'd mark the eggs so I could check at the end of the day and remove any that don't belong and put one in with the main flock and keep the other separated. My one bad experience was really bad.

Good luck whatever you try.
Thanks for sharing that. Ya… I think I’m gonna just let the one hatch her eggs, in a separate coop. That’s what I’ve always done before. So think I’ll just play it safe.

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