two chicks showing similar symptoms, lethargic, loose stool, etc help


6 Years
Apr 5, 2014
We wear cowboy hats here guess where?
so one of my bantams had hatched yet another few chicks without me knowing about it. two survived. And they where doing just fine they are about 2 weeks old until one day i go out to feed them and the two chicks are peeping their heads off but they didn't move from their nesting area. they stood in one area eyes closed just peeping. so i separated them from the rest of the flock and put them on medicated feed with their mama not to mention the black one has these weird orange spots on this belly. I'm so confused. can anyone shed some light on this.

The pictures are too blurry for me to give you any real suggestions, but I wonder if it's some sort of mite that is causing the orange spots you mentioned. Mite infestations can stress chickens out very badly, if the infestation is severe enough. Then again, it could be some sort of poultry disease. I suggest looking around this part of the forum for information on mites...look at your chickens' feather-shafts and the skin around the vent...if you see things crawling around, or see inflamed tissue, you probably have a mite problem.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

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