Twisted Neck in Male Emu, Anyone Experienced This?

Interesting to find out brain worm is round worm! :confused: Ivomec doesn't work on roundworms?

Also, when I looked up emu info, the protein content needed is lower than I would have suspected. And why I went ahead and posted the info I did find in that link.

In this case, it may be the difference in which vitamins and minerals all those other feeds that aren't rattie type do or don't contain. I feel as though the "all species" feed gives you diminished quality for ALL species. And getting ones that are formulated correctly IF AVAILABLE would be more ideal.

I would still try the raw egg yolk.

Thank you for sharing this opportunity to learn with me. :thumbsup

Come on strong recovery! :fl
Thx EggSighted4Life! All your words are very encouraging. I'm definitely going to increase the raw egg yolk as both emus seem to enjoy picking at it, they even throw the shells at each other lol. For the first time in one month, we were so shocked today to look over and see the male holding his head up a little straighter than usual. I actually thought it was the female at first and then realized it was the male. We have been giving two vials a day of the Poly vi Sol and I sure hope this is working. He was more energetic today, even though we had frost here last night. He was the peppiest I have seen him in a long time and he thoroughly enjoyed running around in the sun today. I also found a feed supplier about an hour away that can order ratite feed. Its a special order and two to three weeks before it comes in, but I'm going to give it a try. This second guessing about protein is driving me nuts. We have a heavy frost coming in again tonight so doubled up on their barn bedding (silk straw) as I know his resistance must be very low. If it snows, I'm leaving FL lol. The barn is not heated but the sheep pens offer a little warmth from their side. I will keep everyone up to date on Eunich's progress. Don't laugh at the name, he was named before I bought him. They didn't know if he was a male or female. What a name right lol? But he knows it, responds to it, so changing it to Eric didn't work.
The LOWER the protein the better...too high protein again, can cause leg and other issues.
Egg is fine but personally I'd cook them, always a chance of salmonella with the raw eggs.
Glad you found some feed formulated for ratites, that's the best way to go and do hope he..or she ...continues to get better.
You may want to consider a good vitamin that has electrolytes and probiotics in them .
Maybe that Poly vi sol has all that, not sure.
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Interesting to find out brain worm is round worm! :confused: Ivomec doesn't work on roundworms?

Also, when I looked up emu info, the protein content needed is lower than I would have suspected. And why I went ahead and posted the info I did find in that link.

In this case, it may be the difference in which vitamins and minerals all those other feeds that aren't rattie type do or don't contain. I feel as though the "all species" feed gives you diminished quality for ALL species. And getting ones that are formulated correctly IF AVAILABLE would be more ideal.

I would still try the raw egg yolk.

Thank you for sharing this opportunity to learn with me. :thumbsup

Come on strong recovery! :fl

Yes, the ivomec does work on roundworms and should have prevented it.
If caught early and she dosed the bird ...after the fact... it may save the bird .
She said she had been worming them with the Ivomec , reason I think perhaps brain worm is not the problem.
You're right on about feeds formulated for specific animals, it makes a difference. The well reputed feed manufacturers have done homework, we should put our trust in them.
However, the very high protein content in the starter feeds ( over 20% ) I shy away from for can cause a lot of growth related issues .
Many of them are made/geared for growing birds out fast for slaughter that don't live that long anyway.
The LOWER the protein the better...too high protein again, can cause leg and other issues.
What's interesting about this is...

I had a large breed dog once and the vet said I needed to feed a slow growth formula, for large breeds. Well in the end it was essentially lower in protein than most puppy feeds. And the side effect of growing to rapidly would be bone and joint issues.

I know each species is different but I find it to be an interesting correlation.

It's true salmonella is a concern, and I use eggs from my own flock of I were to do it, not that I have any guarantees. Good word of caution!
And I wouldn't do it too often, either.

That's awesome that you found a way to get and try the correct formulation. We drive to the "city" about once a month to get supplies. That's an easy 2 hours each way. Prices are cheaper there, enough to cover our gas and more. An we GET the bonus of seeing the in-loves (laws), yay!

But both of my local feed store will also see if they are able to get something they don't stock and it's usually for a very reasonable price. Not sure if you already tried them or if you make the monthly trip like we do type thing..

At least you know you've got something coming.

So cool that he was enjoying himself! :fl
Just an update here, my Eunich is doing wonderfully. I had a bird friend (partridge, turkey, chicken, doves, and about everything else) tell me to back off the iron version of Poly Vi Sol and dose him maybe every 3 days with it, but keeping heavy dosing him with the regular non iron version everyday. I have been doing this and I just cant believe the turn around my Eunich is showing. While I accept his neck will never be straight like it should be, it is straighter, he no longer has to turn his body to get his neck and head in line to see something. Today he was actually pushing the sheep and his mate out of the way to get his treats (grapes, pineapple and white bread). I'm going to put this down to severe malnutrition while he was being raised at a young age, I did not get him until he was one year old. But I wish to thank all on here, your insight and advice was just so invaluable. He is getting so strong I am going to have to figure out a better way to get this stuff into him without stressing him. We re going into town tomorrow to find syringes and I m thinking of injecting all his grapes with what he needs lol. Geesshh, the things we go through for these beautiful birds lol. But I am so proud of my Eunich, he really is a special bird.


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Just an update here, my Eunich is doing wonderfully. I had a bird friend (partridge, turkey, chicken, doves, and about everything else) tell me to back off the iron version of Poly Vi Sol and dose him maybe every 3 days with it, but keeping heavy dosing him with the regular non iron version everyday. I have been doing this and I just cant believe the turn around my Eunich is showing. While I accept his neck will never be straight like it should be, it is straighter, he no longer has to turn his body to get his neck and head in line to see something. Today he was actually pushing the sheep and his mate out of the way to get his treats (grapes, pineapple and white bread). I'm going to put this down to severe malnutrition while he was being raised at a young age, I did not get him until he was one year old. But I wish to thank all on here, your insight and advice was just so invaluable. He is getting so strong I am going to have to figure out a better way to get this stuff into him without stressing him. We re going into town tomorrow to find syringes and I m thinking of injecting all his grapes with what he needs lol. Geesshh, the things we go through for these beautiful birds lol. But I am so proud of my Eunich, he really is a special bird.
I'm glad he is doing better! :ya

I didn't realize you were dosing WITH iron. Yes, the recommendation when dosing birds with the PvS should ALWAYS be withOUT iron, as far as I know. Glad your friend caught that! Though I wonder if that's true if a bird were suffering anemia from excess mites or other blood sucking parasites??

What I wonder is... if the emu didn't have the twisted neck when you hot him, what makes you think the malnutrition took place at the former home? No judgement at all either way! I am here to learn.

And THIS has been a great learning experience for me. Putting together other things I learned in the past. And now I realize that just because an animal is bigger doesn't particularly mean they need more protein to support growth. And in some cases diminished protein at the correct time can help extend the quality of life for said animals. :highfive:
Hi Eggsighted4Life, the male always had this really large bald spot on the front of his neck. I thought it might be from fence rubbing but I never saw him rubbing on my fence so was always curious about it. He just continued to get weaker and weaker. Then Hurricane Irma happened and they were looked up in the barn which of course was dark as we lost power for a week. They were in there for two days and not happy at all so I also wondered if this stressed him out and made his resistance lower. It was right after the hurricane that he started going down hill and very quickly. There were days where his head was resting on his back as he just didn't have the strength to pick it up. The previous owner told me to never feed anything over 14% protein, not sure where they got that info, but I upped the protein intake gradually as I felt 14% was way too low. I have a friend in the area that feeds dog kibbles over 25% with a lot of success. So I capped my protein at 20 to 21% just to see if there would be a change. His neck has filled out remarkably well as the muscles are building up. It will probably always be crooked but I am confident he will survive. He s a very social and emotional bird, always coming to greet everyone and always curious. Although I will never know for sure what caused this, I am just happy my Eunich is getting stronger every day.
I bet that hurricane was stressful for all of you. And wouldn't surprise me if that had an effect on him. Glad you are OK.

Awesome that he seem to be getting stronger daily!

I probably wouldn't feed that high of protein for too long, since research I did after my initial post indicated I was mistaken and for emu's lower is better. Though feeding fruits and such will bring it down a little. If you still have that ratite feed coming, that should be good. If it was malnourished, that won't last forever.

Depending on the longevity of your friends emu's who feeds 25%, would be a better indicator of how well that high of protein does for them. Experts say NO. And things like arthritis type stuff will probably become more present as they age. This is the compete opposite of advice I gave at the beginning of this thread. But that's what learning is all about.

Do emu boys stay friendly or do they become big jerks like roosters SOMETIMES do? He sounds like a fun bird to have around! :love
Hi EggSighted4Life. The male Eunich is a sweetie. He lets me pick him up and hold him so we can dose him with his medicine. I was worried about over stressing him, but he handles it quite well now. He is only getting dosed every two days now with the non iron version of Poly Vi Sol and so far so good. I am hoping to stop with it in a few weeks to see how he does without it. He gets stronger everyday. I too was worried about the high protein but he is back to 20% now with the Emu feed that finally arrived. He loves it! He better, that stuff sure isn't cheap. The friends emus that are on 25% dog kibble are very strong and active but quite honestly, I'd be nervous to go that high. They are all adult birds but I am more comfortable not going over 20% protein. But throughout all this, he has become very emotional and comes running as soon as he sees me. The female on the other hand is a complete brat and thinks its hilarious to sneak up from behind on someone and peck their butt or back as hard as possible. I can pet her maybe once and that's all she will tolerate. The other day she was very moody (probably just hungry as usual) and kicked me right in the knee cap as she was taking off. I felt it, really didn't hurt that much, but gave me renewed respect for their strength as an adult. I certainly wouldn't let children near them. That kick would have knocked a child right off his feet! I am bonding well with the male though. I know they say not to do this with a breeding pair but he is removed from the breeding program now anyways as I will never know what really caused his neck problem. Not worth taking a chance in case it was hereditary. The female is a blonde and I am searching high and low for a blonde mate for her. Didn't realize how rare the blonde emu is.

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