Emu Being Bitten by Flies…


Premium Feather Member
Apr 17, 2023
Now that it is spring and the bugs are out, I’ve noticed mayflies landing on my emu’s (Kevin) neck and face and biting him. When I wipe them off there is sometimes a bead of blood. On my goats I use an animal specific bug spray but I don’t want to use this on Kevin, especially not around his face. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what emu friendly product I can use around his face to keep him from getting bitten? 2EF30C9D-C50A-4117-9216-DAED763149E4.jpeg
Unfortunately I won’t be of much assistance with this situation :/ we don’t have much of a fly problem here. Mosquitos though are an entirely different story! I would try some permethrin powder and wipe a little on his neck/head. Meaning just putting some on your fingers and wipe around where he’s being bitten. See if that keeps the pests off of him :confused:
Unfortunately I won’t be of much assistance with this situation :/ we don’t have much of a fly problem here. Mosquitos though are an entirely different story! I would try some permethrin powder and wipe a little on his neck/head. Meaning just putting some on your fingers and wipe around where he’s being bitten. See if that keeps the pests off of him :confused:
Okay I will try that, thanks!
Talking with someone else with emus, they say they used permethrin, and just spray a perimeter and around feeding stations, and it keeps most of the bugs away. You might give that a try too and see if it helps.

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