Turkey Harness?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 22, 2013
Has anyone tried to make a harness for a turkey or know of any place to buy one that would actually fit?

This is my buddy Jasper and I would love to have him out and about a bit more.

Thank you, I don't know who is prouder of him... Us or him. hehe. He is the big teddy bear in our little flock. We introduced a new chicken last week and he protected her from the other chickens during the usual dominance routine.

What kind of dog harness did you use?
I don't have any turkeys (I hope to get some this year) but your subject caught my eye so I thought I'd post my experience with chickens. There are two main types of dog harnesses: the kind with a strap going straight across the chest and the kind where the chest piece forms a "V". I have always used the "V" types with birds and had good results. Good luck finding one big enough for a turkey and let us know what he thinks of it.
I once used one on a rabbit, when we first brought her home, so she could eat freely, but I wound up with an empty harness very fast. That Wascally Wabbit !
Thanks, that's the kind of advice I was looking for.

Hopefully he will take to it fine. He mostly stays right up around me anyway when I'm in the pen or anywhere near, so I don't think it's going to be much of a stretch to have him out on a harness and leash. He's getting so big I can barely pick him up anymore and I still want to take him out of the pen.
Oh my goodness, he is beautiful! What type of Turkey is he? I have my very first turkey and he is like my best friend lol. He has his own Facebook page now 'Pet Turkeys - Darwins Story'. He was disabled when he was born ;)


Thanks, that's the kind of advice I was looking for.

Hopefully he will take to it fine. He mostly stays right up around me anyway when I'm in the pen or anywhere near, so I don't think it's going to be much of a stretch to have him out on a harness and leash. He's getting so big I can barely pick him up anymore and I still want to take him out of the pen.
Hi there! Did you ever find any luck using a dog harness on your turkey? I recently rescued a broad breasted white turkey and she is SO heavy!! Haha - I would like to be able to walk her to the back of my property during the day and then back to her coop at night. Please let me know what luck you had with it!
Hi there! Did you ever find any luck using a dog harness on your turkey? I recently rescued a broad breasted white turkey and she is SO heavy!! Haha - I would like to be able to walk her to the back of my property during the day and then back to her coop at night. Please let me know what luck you had with it!
This thread is from 2013. The person you replied to has not been on BYC since 2014.

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