Tube feeding a chick? How too?


10 Years
Jul 2, 2013
Michigan (USA)
I have a chick that needs to be tube fed. How do I do this and what do I use, and where do I get those supplies?

He was born with no toung and under developed jaw and can not eat enough to sustain himself, he is very emaciated. Normally I would cull but that is a REALLY rare breed and I only have 3 chicks, I need to breed them at least once to get some offspring so this guy HAS to survive as hes all I got and I can't get more. I have to breed him and worry about culling any bad genes from future birds.

Can someone help me here? I have never tube fed before, especially a chick.

I live in a little town, we have a rite aid store, that's all the drug store we have. What can I get from there to help him?
How old is the chick? I'm not sure that you can crop feed a young chick, but Casportpony would be the one to check with. Here is a link with videos and more links:
He is smaller than a bantam seabright.

I have been feeding him best i can by giving him chunks of meat and fat, and mapel surrip and water. If I shove them to the back of his throat he can swallow them. So I have been carefully as I can, doing that morning and night. I tried wet starter but it sticks to his mouth.

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