Treats for 5 week olds

I use parakeet grit, found basically in any petshop or walmart. I also believe you can use play sand.

If I'm feeding yogurt, I mix the grit in. For anything else, I either sprinkle it over their food or offer a minimal amount in a jar lid, making sure everyone gets a bit, and then removing it after. The jar lid is probably not the best way as it gets knocked all over because my girls (and guy) love to get in it and scratch like crazy.
ours are 4 and 5 weeks old, we are giving them any left over (raw) vegie scraps, they love jsut about all of them. Except for the tomatoes! We are still giving them starter pellets, and the kids just toss in scraps once a day.

Ours also love being out of thier shed and in the garden to have a peck and scratch around. So I guess they are getting whatever they find there too.
my 6week olds ( actually 6 weeks today!) have been outside for 3 weeks give or take a few days and I have started trying to give them shredded cabbage/lettuce/carrot that I had left over from making the dinner but they weren't all too interested in it to be honest.

Maybe I will try some dry oatmeal today.
MILLET, my chickens went crazy over it!! But you have to watch them and make sure they dont eat too much. I had a baby get so fat she couldnt even walk. The hard boiled egg is wonderful for them to have as well. When they got older, and i never did this till i had peacocks, would take flies and pull the wings off and give them to the babies. They loved to chase the flies around. Then they discovered cat food and it became their favorite food!!

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