Treats for 5 week olds


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 12, 2007
My chicks are 5 weeks old as of yesterday and are now outside in their new coop and pen, which they love.
Is it too early to give them any kind of supplements/treats?
I confess.. my girls are 4wks old, and I've been giving them treats for awhile now. I just only give them a tiny bit (don't want them to eat less 'real food' because of it) and I also provide grit for them.

What kind of treats do you give them?
I gave them some crumbled up hardboiled eggs and they went wild! I hope that is okay. I only gave them some twice.
any ideas on what kind of treats?
I started treating mine sporadically at 2 weeks---they're now in their 5th week and it doesn't seem to have hurt them. Mine go absolutely wild over yogurt! I also do crickets and meal worms, but since yours are outside, that wouldn't work. Mine also love cucumber and a bit of squash.

I think I recall reading that low sodium cottage cheese is a chicky favourite (someone will have to confirm this, though, as I may be remembering incorrectly.) I believe cooked noodles, rice, or oatmeal are also good.
Well, let's see.. I've had more misses than hits with my group.

I tried a bit of dry cereal (very small), total miss. They also turned their noses up at yogurt and cooked noodles.

They love bugs and go crazy over CHEESE LOL! They also really loved hard boiled egg yolk. I found a bunch of worms in my yard (not the group in my garden.. those are my working worms
), and gave them to the girls, which they went crazy over also. They liked cooked peas, and cooked corn.

Haven't tried rice yet, but may give that a try this afternoon. Also had put up a post myself asking about wild birdseed, and someone kindly responded that their birds liked that, and peanuts.

Mine are the same age as yours and they love broccoli and cherry tomatos, but only if I hold the treats and let them tear off beakfuls. If I put the treats on the floor, they lose interest.

I figure that mother hens introduce them to all sorts of goodies from early age, so I figured it would be okay to give them a varied diet.

Another note, I call to them when I have treats. They have learned to come running, which might be helpful in their future outdoor life if danger is nearby and I need them to leave someplace fast. I call "chick-chick-chick".

Enjoy your babies!
Thank you a ll so much! i will try the bird seed. I think I will try sunflower seeds, if ya think thats ok??
How bout lettuce? I have tons of lettuce on my garden and was wondering if I could tear it up for my chicks, they are 2 weeks old.
Mine weren't too into the lettuce, but then again I stupidly was trying to give it to them whilst they were outside.

I'd say go for it! If they were out with momma they'd be getting all sorts of yummy greens. Just make sure you offer grit whenever treating them
Mine have loved bread since they were about that age.

oh yeah, PS they went insane over the green stems from the tops of my sweet onions from my garden. When I pull up one I give the chickens the greens from them and they will fight over them.
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