Announcement Top XYZ Lists - Pages - Articles


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
First there was the "BYC Breed Focus" project, and then the "BYC Official Polls" project... and now we're introducing a similar project: Top XYZ Lists!

Sumi did an AMAZING job with our first "Top XYZ" list (see below), so we're following the ideas of the fun projects above with a similar process and format. Here's what we're planning on doing:
  1. We're asking for your ideas on new "Top XYZ" lists! Our members, VPM's, and the team will create these great articles.
  2. As these articles are created, we'll be posting links to them here, and also promoting them on the homepage, newsletter, etc.
  3. We'll be keeping an eye on this thread for your ideas and suggestions for new Top XYZ pages to be created and added to the list!
Top XYZ Lists:
Keep an eye on this thread for updates, and please reply with your ideas on new "Top XYZ Lists"!

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They sorta seem like the videos or articles that go viral online like ‘ 10 amazing ways to get your dog to stop barking.’ Or ‘ 7 People you won’t believe are dead.’ They seem to be a good idea but it does remind me of those sorts of things.
Exactly! People LOVE lists. The reason you see them all over the internet, Google, FB, etc. is because something about them resonates within the human brain.

We'd love to have a bunch that are interesting, helpful, etc., and if they also go viral and bring more people to BYC and into raising chickens.... BONUS!

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