To Hatch or Not to Hatch...That is the Question!


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
May 16, 2023
East Coast and LA
It's spring, and I vowed I am not going to get any more birds. But my local feed store is offering mottled Javas, and I really, really want some. At the same time, I'd like to hatch out my own chicks this once, while I actually own a rooster.

I also do not have an incubator and cannot afford to get one. I have a lizard terrarium that has ventilation at both the top and the bottom, which I was thinking about using. I would prefer to have a broody hen, but the three most likely candidates are too young and I can't wait that long.

If it matters, the parents of the potential chicks would be:
Welsummer/Barred Rock/Cream Legbar/Delaware (f) + Twentse/Phoenix (m)

Therefore, what do y'all think? Should I get the Javas, try incubating in the terrarium, or do nothing?
It's spring, and I vowed I am not going to get any more birds. But my local feed store is offering mottled Javas, and I really, really want some. At the same time, I'd like to hatch out my own chicks this once, while I actually own a rooster.

I also do not have an incubator and cannot afford to get one. I have a lizard terrarium that has ventilation at both the top and the bottom, which I was thinking about using. I would prefer to have a broody hen, but the three most likely candidates are too young and I can't wait that long.

If it matters, the parents of the potential chicks would be:
Welsummer/Barred Rock/Cream Legbar/Delaware (f) + Twentse/Phoenix (m)

Therefore, what do y'all think? Should I get the Javas, try incubating in the terrarium, or do nothing?
The DIY incubator might work, but it'll be a *lot* of work. My first batch of eggs were incubated in a DIY Styrofoam cooler with a heat lamp on top. Out of the 20 eggs I placed inside (chicken & quail) only 3 reached full developed. Then you have the lock down humidity issue... we pretty much destroyed our bathroom using a humidifier for the little eggs. Sadly, none hatched but they would've beautiful little chicks once we opened the eggs. Again, I'm not saying it *won't* work, it's just a *lot* of work with the possibility of a low success rate. I know incubators can be a bit of an investment, but depending on the incubator, you can find some as cheap as $50 that should work decently. I bought mine for $80- and it's successfully hatched out 3 batches of quail- including some buttons! You can also search up on Craigslist to see if anyone offers incubating services :)

Mottled Javas are gorgeous, so if they're something you've been wanting for a long time, I say go for it!

Either way, send some pictures!!
The DIY incubator might work, but it'll be a *lot* of work. My first batch of eggs were incubated in a DIY Styrofoam cooler with a heat lamp on top. Out of the 20 eggs I placed inside (chicken & quail) only 3 reached full developed. Then you have the lock down humidity issue... we pretty much destroyed our bathroom using a humidifier for the little eggs. Sadly, none hatched but they would've beautiful little chicks once we opened the eggs. Again, I'm not saying it *won't* work, it's just a *lot* of work with the possibility of a low success rate. I know incubators can be a bit of an investment, but depending on the incubator, you can find some as cheap as $50 that should work decently. I bought mine for $80- and it's successfully hatched out 3 batches of quail- including some buttons! You can also search up on Craigslist to see if anyone offers incubating services :)

Mottled Javas are gorgeous, so if they're something you've been wanting for a long time, I say go for it!

Either way, send some pictures!!
I agree

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