Thought I Lost A Hen... But, No!

Coops Dad

Free Ranging
May 10, 2020
too close to Waco, TX
One of our free ranged Bourbon Red hens disappeared three days ago and I assumed one of our local hawks got her even though she's a bit bigger than the hawks. Luna aka Murder Dog started sniffing in a broad circle around a large patch of tall grass and expressing keen interest in something in the depths. I walked over to investigate and found the missing hen sitting on a clutch. She's definitely committed to it because she hissed at me and barely moved off her nest. She raised up off the eggs and I was able to get a rough count of 15-16 eggs, all on the small size (roughly about a chicken's large/extra large). She's only 9 months old but we're going to let her percolate. Our incubator is primed and ready in case she abandons the nest, but I'm hoping she keeps her pretty little head screwed on right for the duration. I put a small bowl of water close by so she doesn't have to deal with the main flock if she just wants a little sippy.
She's still setting on 14 eggs after moving her nest about 3' to the right to be under the shelter of a trailer. She's turned into a vicious harpy which hisses and bites of anything gets within striking range. She grabbed one of the chickens that tried coming close and rag-dolled it, keeping a beakfull of feathers as a trophy.

Three or four more days left in the countdown.
She's still setting on 14 eggs after moving her nest about 3' to the right to be under the shelter of a trailer. She's turned into a vicious harpy which hisses and bites of anything gets within striking range. She grabbed one of the chickens that tried coming close and rag-dolled it, keeping a beakfull of feathers as a trophy.

Three or four more days left in the countdown.
When you are passing by and she starts talking it is a sign that hatching has happened.
Arright, she's got 4 or 5 under her and it's been two days since the first hatched. One of the poults has apparently been snacking because it had a bit of grass sticking out of its mouth. Is there a point where I pull the poults out from under her so they can eat and drink in a brooder or, alternately, take the rest of the eggs and pop them in an incubator? Or do I just let momma do what mommas been doing for millennia and leave it to her?
As an aside, I put a pan of pellets and a handful of corn within reach and she ate the corn out of it. She's also got water within reach.
I would move her and the poults and eggs into a secure pen. I would be providing turkey starter feed. It is good for both the hen and the poults. The hen lost a lot of her conditioning sitting on the eggs and some high protein feed really helps.

I never put food or water near a hen's hidden nest. It attracts unwelcome visitors.

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