Thinking about pheasants…


Jul 11, 2023
Hi all,
I had a strange but exciting thought yesterday about making the side pen in my chicken run into a pheasant aviary. It is 3 meters x 2 meters and is 2.5 meters tall. I would only keep three in there but I’m wondering if it would work. It would definitely need some patching up but I think it could work well. For those wondering I would be keeping either red goldens or possibly silvers. If this is not a good idea please let me know before I talk myself into it.
Thank you! It did look a little smaller than other aviaries I have seen but I thought that was the case. I would be breeding bantams in that coop except council won’t let me 😭
Although Goldens and Silver pheasants don't make much noise, and if anyone did hear them they wouldn't know what was making the noise....that area is too small to raise pheasants and being near chickens isn't good for pheasants and other gamebirds.

Chickens can tolerate alot of diseases that would kill pheasants and other gamebirds.
Thank you very much for this advice. I do keep quail in a separate area to chickens so it would totally make sense that pheasants wouldn’t tolerate chickens aswell. I am a very much a novice with gamebirds so I appreciate all the feedback. Maybe in future I will build an aviary at the back of my property specially for them.

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