The Sussex thread!

Going rate is what ever they are willing to pay. Have a look at local adds and set a price if no one buys drop by a little ..... Give it 2 weeks at a time..

I sold chicks (1 week old) for $35 each and some times I sell for $6 each. Supply and demand is the key

Thanks! I went with $10 for the dozen, and $3 per chick, if anyone is interested in what I decided. I'm just getting started and only have two hens laying right now. I can always adjust later.
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Thanks! I went with $10 for the dozen, and $3 per chick, if anyone is interested in what I decided. I'm just getting started and only have two hens laying right now. I can always adjust later.

I would have gone a bit higher. I'm in Australia and paid $40(inclusive of post) for my doz

And at $3 a chick I'd say your losing money ( costs to raise-v-sale)

I aim for nil cost no profit margin line as I hatch to entertain my 7 yo autistic son He loves it.
I would have gone a bit higher. I'm in Australia and paid $40(inclusive of post) for my doz

And at $3 a chick I'd say your losing money ( costs to raise-v-sale)

I aim for nil cost no profit margin line as I hatch to entertain my 7 yo autistic son He loves it.
I sell my eggs for eating at $3.50 per dozen. It's really only whatever we have left over at the end of the week - not a business. My students' families empty my fridge every week & bring their own cartons. (The classes are held in my house.) When my daughter hatches as part of her 4H project, we sell off the results at $3 per chick (Easter Eggers or mixes). If the chicks are about 4 weeks or older, $5 b/c we had to feed & care for them. When we had quality purebred eggs, we spent $25/doz+ $15 shipping = $40. Those chicks sold out at $10 a chick, so we could make our money back. There is no way we could have kept all the chicks, so I priced them to move.

I suppose I could sell some of my eggs for hatching because my only roo & 3 hens are all pure orpingtons. Their eggs look different than the rest, but I doubt there's much of a market in our area. I've donated hatching eggs to local schools, but they're the only ones asking. I think one must be NPIP certified in order to sell eggs specifically for hatching.

The eating eggs always sell quickly & help pay the feed bill. I chose $3.50/doz because that's the price for "free range" eggs at the store. Mine are higher quality pastured eggs, so the families get a better deal here. I have a sign up that explains how the eggs are not washed, self serve, BYO carton, etc. I don't do anything more than get the eggs from the fridge & let the kids pick their own. (It's funny b/c the kids fight over my little bantam's eggs, but the adults always go for the jumbos. The blues, greens & speckled are also popular.) In our area, people with small flocks may sell eggs from their homes with no special regulations. A small flock is considered under 100. (To me that's huge!) If I wanted to bring my eggs somewhere- like a farmers' market - they must be properly cleaned, candled, graded, & in new containers. Add the time, equipment, & cost of gas, and I can see why many sell their eating eggs for $5 doz.
Thanks! I went with $10 for the dozen, and $3 per chick, if anyone is interested in what I decided. I'm just getting started and only have two hens laying right now. I can always adjust later.

I was just at our local feed store and they had SS chicks for $4.50/ea.
I would have gone a bit higher. I'm in Australia and paid $40(inclusive of post) for my doz

And at $3 a chick I'd say your losing money ( costs to raise-v-sale)

I aim for nil cost no profit margin line as I hatch to entertain my 7 yo autistic son He loves it.

I paid $30 for my quad, though knowing what I do now I would have paid that just for the rooster. He's worth my weight in gold. ;)

I'm in the southern US, lots of poor, rural, small-farm folks. SS aren't hugely popular here; I've seen them for sale three times, and one of those is when I was selling. (I was buyer the other two times.) They aren't easy to find, so there's not much demand.

How much was postage? I've never paid more than $12 for a chicken (grown hen) and don't know that I could. My first five SS were $9 a piece and the weight of the purchase was like guilt. I'm a very frugal person, so it's difficult for me to put a proper value on something. I hope someday my birds can be worth $35 a chick. :)
Do you know which hatchery supplies your feed store? I've considered making an order of just SS, growing them out, and selling the ones I don't like.
I would assume it's Ideal, since it's closest and I know they order turkeys from them, but they also have someone who works there that breeds. I didn't ask, but noticed all the SS were blond with little to no chipmonk stripes, which makes me think they might be from the individual. I've asked in the past about SS, but they never give me a straight answer.
 I would assume it's Ideal, since it's closest  and I know they order turkeys from them, but they also have someone who works there that breeds.  I didn't ask, but noticed all the SS were blond with little to no chipmonk stripes, which makes me think they might be from the individual.  I've asked in the past about SS, but they never give me a straight answer. 

That's very interesting. I recently drove from SWLA to Georgia's coast and tried to contact breeders along my route. Most didn't get back with me, and one just said "try back later." Very disheartening. There is a breeder in Ms who I've seen contact people, but her birds have more white than I prefer. So I didn't contact her.
Thanks! I went with $10 for the dozen, and $3 per chick, if anyone is interested in what I decided. I'm just getting started and only have two hens laying right now. I can always adjust later.

So... Being a prospective buyer in your general area I must say aim higher :jumpy
I was thinking you'd ask $5-10/chick.
Don't sell your birds short. SS chicks are so hard to find!!!

When is your current batch due?
speckled sussex or welsummer
bought some of both from Meyer Hatchery and thanks the POs new shipping rules, lost half my chicks
Meyer's is shipping me new chicks but I have to figure out which ones I lost before they can ship me new ones. I have looked on this thread and the Welsummer one and just can't tell.
Any help would be appreciated. The ones lost had a more yellow breast fluff and were smaller, about half the size of these. The smaller ones had a less defined chipmunk pattern.

These pictures were taken the 2/9

These are the older chicks pictured above and the second picture is the ones that died.
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