My new Speckled Sussex chicks - and a breed ID for 2 others?


Free Ranging
7 Years
Apr 23, 2017
Richmond, MO
So I'm adding another breed to my mixed heritage flock - Speckled Sussex! I picked up these six chicks at Tractor Supply a few weeks ago, to be buddies with two rescue chicks from a neighbor.

She's new to chickens, and when one of her 2-day-old chicks fell in the water dish, it almost died. She had NO heat source whatsoever for her new chicks, poults and ducklings - and didn't know what to do. So I helped her get the brooder set up properly, and she convinced me to try to save her little wet gray chick, and gave me one more red one to keep it company. I worried that if the gray one died, the red one would then be alone - so off to TSC I went to get more buddies.

I came home with these, at 2 days old. They're now 6-1/2 weeks:

Her little wet gray one recovered just fine. I have no clue what breed the two rescue chicks are. When I asked my neighbor, she said they were "straight run." Well okay then. They are about the same age as my Sussex. (Neither are a Sussex, as TSC hadn't put them out yet when my neighbor got hers.) I know it's way early, but any ideas yet?
Do you have any idea what breeds TSC may have had? The gray one might be a Splash Marans or Andalusian, but neither of those are very common. Does it have a beard? She could be an Easter Egger. I honestly have no idea what the other one is, likely some sort of hybrid, as I can't think of any breeds that are brown and barred like that.

Are the other chicks in there supposed to be your Speckled Sussex? If so, TSC played a dirty trick. Those are all Easter Eggers...
Do you have any idea what breeds TSC may have had? The gray one might be a Splash Marans or Andalusian, but neither of those are very common. Does it have a beard? She could be an Easter Egger. I honestly have no idea what the other one is, likely some sort of hybrid, as I can't think of any breeds that are brown and barred like that.

Are the other chicks in there supposed to be your Speckled Sussex? If so, TSC played a dirty trick. Those are all Easter Eggers...
Cant be a splash maran it doesnt have feathered legs.

I agree the ones in the background are EE

And Im thinking they are probably Easter Eggers.

Edit to add : the brown barred one could be a rhodebar
Can't say for certain that your "sussex" are EE, bit 100% agree, they are NOT sussex.

The red one looks way to light to be RIR, so new Hampshire or production red or red sex link are all possible.

The grey: am I seeing white feet and green shanks? Or is that the light on the legs? If it's the light, lavender orpington is a possibility (not the only option, though)
Do you have any idea what breeds TSC may have had? The gray one might be a Splash Marans or Andalusian, but neither of those are very common. Does it have a beard? She could be an Easter Egger. I honestly have no idea what the other one is, likely some sort of hybrid, as I can't think of any breeds that are brown and barred like that.

Are the other chicks in there supposed to be your Speckled Sussex? If so, TSC played a dirty trick. Those are all Easter Eggers...
Yes, they were in a bin labeled Speckled Sussex, pullets. It was in their back room with other bins, not even out on the sales floor yet. Well darn.

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