The Moonshiner's Bootleg Incubator Reviews And Discussions

I also had the Janoel/Magicfly 12 incubator, it's a chinabator too. That was my very first incubator and it worked great for about a year, I turned out at least 5 or 6 100% hatches in it. Then it started to fluctuate like crazy and spiked to 112 one day. It killed everything inside. I don't know if the heating element went bad or what but I haven't touched it since.
I also had the Janoel/Magicfly 12 incubator, it's a chinabator too. That was my very first incubator and it worked great for about a year, I turned out at least 5 or 6 100% hatches in it. Then it started to fluctuate like crazy and spiked to 112 one day. It killed everything inside. I don't know if the heating element went bad or what but I haven't touched it since.
I used a borrowed Janoel, and although I found it finicky (one side was hotter than the other, I hand-turned, and moved the eggs on one side to the opposite side, rolling the rest toward the recently emptied side. Got 9 out of 12 to hatch and was quite happy with that. But way too much work and could only open it for a few seconds as temp would drop and spike when it tried to get back to temp. It took a few days to figure out how much time I had and do it quickly.
I used a borrowed Janoel, and although I found it finicky (one side was hotter than the other, I hand-turned, and moved the eggs on one side to the opposite side, rolling the rest toward the recently emptied side. Got 9 out of 12 to hatch and was quite happy with that. But way too much work and could only open it for a few seconds as temp would drop and spike when it tried to get back to temp. It took a few days to figure out how much time I had and do it quickly.
Yeah it required a lot of adjusting. I probably adjusted the temp at least once a day to get it to stay correct. I'd adjust it up in the morning, back down a bit around noon, then back up in the evening. It was a pain. I had to wrap it in towels too. For water I had to just use little cups in the bottom, filling the whole thing got the humidity way too high.
I've decided to broaden my horizons when it comes to hatching and incubators.
My first incubator was a GQF chickbator. Second was a GQF hovabator and third was a GQF sportsman.
GQFs have been good to me and I've stuck with hovabators for decades. I've made a few different homemade ones at different times and even tried a couple other brands. Thanks for nothing Little Giant. 😉
There's so many options now days I want to experiment. OK really I just want more incubators to do more hatching but while I'm at it....
My plan is to pick up various random brands/models from time to time and try them out. And also hear from others on their favorites or fails.

With the quantity you hatch, do you prefer having multiple smaller incubators or one big cabinet incubator like the sportsman for the same number of eggs? That's something I was looking into recently as I'd like to upsize in the next few years but I don't know if I want to shell out (no pun intended) for a cabinet or just get another regular-sized incubator. 🤔 Definitely following for the reviews of other models, regardless. :pop

As far as incubators I've used, I'm the odd one out here it would seem, because I have two Brinseas and I love them a lot. But, my only other experience with incubators has been one cheapo styrofoam model from TSC (I don't remember the brand) that I absolutely hated. Quite frankly, when I left it out in the sun to dry after washing it the only time it was used years ago and my free-ranging chickens found and ate it, I was glad to be rid of it. In comparison, the Brinseas are wonderful. Mine are an Octagon 20 eco (my favorite) and an Ovation 28 eco.
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I love mine. It's better than the two Brinseas I have, imo. I like them but they're just not as stable or reliable. I've gotten some pretty big fluctuations in them, I don't like the design of the lid, and they take quite a while to get back up to temp. I run all of my incubators in the same location too so that's not a factor. The NR gets back up to temp very fast, and holds it. I've never seen any deviations in temp on any of my thermometers in the NR. I do like the hovabator you recommended to me, but I've just been using it as a hatcher for now so I don't know about actually incubating any eggs in it. It's keeping my NR opened up for the more valuable eggs by being able to move any eggs out as they get close.
I have only used the turner in the NR 360 one time, I usually just hand turn because I can fit so many more eggs in without it. But the turner does work well. It turns pretty gently and I believe every hour. I like that it has the humidity readout too, it's actually very close to accurate on mine.
The temp is a bit off, I have to have it set at 100.5 to get 99.5, but it stays at 99.5 at all spots in the incubator. I haven't found any hot or cold spots in mine at all. It also holds humidity for hatching the best of any of the incubators. Filling both channels all the way and putting the B cap on the B port and it'll get you to 70-ish%. It gets humidity back up fast too so I can open it frequently and check eggs or remove ducklings/eggshells. I usually just mist all of the eggs right before I put the lid back on.

The lid being hard to pick up is the biggest con, imo. I attached those little clear stick on hooks to the sides, and that pretty much solved the problem. I can get a pic of it if you want.
The other two issues are : it is a bit hard to clean, mainly because of the little channels in the bottom. If you hatch in it, the feather dust stuff will get up in the top and around the fan. I've used an air compressor to just spray that out after each hatch though. The other issue is chicks will jump out the sides and it's easy to roll eggs out if you bump them. The little lip it has doesn't do much. I would like to get one of the risers they make eventually, that would fix the problem.
I did not get a cap with mine. Might have to improvise.
I know what hooks you're talking about but wouldn't mind seeing a pic.
The cleaning thing was a concern. Mine was used and as dirty as I've ever seen an incubator. Disgusting. And yes so so much dust. I actually took it partially apart, used air and still don't think I got it totally clean.
I saw those spacers but they seemed pricey. I was thinking it was to provide more headroom. Now with what you said they seem a but more valuable. Doubt I'll get on but I see the usefulness.
I did not get a cap with mine. Might have to improvise.
I know what hooks you're talking about but wouldn't mind seeing a pic.
The cleaning thing was a concern. Mine was used and as dirty as I've ever seen an incubator. Disgusting. And yes so so much dust. I actually took it partially apart, used air and still don't think I got it totally clean.
I saw those spacers but they seemed pricey. I was thinking it was to provide more headroom. Now with what you said they seem a but more valuable. Doubt I'll get on but I see the usefulness.
Eww. I clean mine w water and a little bleach each time. It is not super easy to do, but not impossible to clean. I hope you got a good deal for having to clean up an old hatch mess or three.
I don't get why everyone is always so into the Brinseas. There's a lot better incubators out there for half the price. Mine are the maxi 2 and the mini advance. They are ok but I just don't like them. I don't like them anywhere near as much as the NR 360.
When all the newer incubators started coming out I'd heard Brinsea was like the gold standard for incubators.
I've never used one but I've priced them. As time has went on and I've heard stories I tend to believe if nothing else they're extremely overpriced.
I think Overos kebonnixs would give the little brinseas a run for their money at less then half the price.

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