Incubator choice advice


Oct 16, 2021
New Zealand
My Coop
My Coop
Hi all
I have thus far only hatched with broodies, and that remains my preference. I'm just in the middle of what I suspect is a 100% failed hatch, and wondering if in future I should set eggs into an incubator at the same time as I set them under the hen, as a backup for the hen to actually get some babies.

I am in New Zealand and from what I can see Brinsea is the most available brand for me. I am looking at the EX models which have automated everything. My question is, are cabinet or dome styles different in performance, particularly for ensuring egg weight loss, as I live in a climate which is 70-85% atmospheric humidity pretty much all spring, summer and autumn.

The cabinet style ones are generally much larger than I require, the brinsea maxi ex looks perfect with 14 eggs. But I would rather get whatever style has the best outcomes.
I have a Brinsea Maxi 20 Eco. You have to fiddle with the screwdriver to get the right temperature, and I add distilled water every day to the little port. I also hand turn my eggs twice a day.
Anyway, I really like the incubator a lot. I usually don't recommend it because people really like a set it and forget it incubator, which this is not. I have quail hatching out now in it, and I usually always have something incubating in it.
I have an RCom 20, a RCom king suro, a RCom Eco, a Little Giant, a Genesis and a Sportman's 1202e Cabinet. If you calibrate them and learn your incubator you can get almost anything to work if it is not junk.

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